Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thoughts elsewhere

Savanna and I had a partent teacher conference on Tuesday. Miss J says Savanna is doing very well, she's right where she needs to be in reading and skills, and she is very obedient and consciencious about the rules. In fact Miss J chose Savanna as her secret donation proxy, when Miss J wants to donate to a cause only students can contribute to, Miss J puts her donation under Savanna's name. It's their special little secret. When asked if I had any concerns about Sav, I asked if she gets her assignments done in class because at home it takes her 1 - 2 hours to do an assignment as she is so easily distracted. Miss J said, facetiously,

"Savanna? DISTRACTED?"

I guess Savanna's thoughts wander at school as well. I was hoping that was only at home, at Grandmas, at gymnastics, and at church. I guess I can't judge her too harshly, as my mind wanders a lot also, or stops working. Like when I cut my bangs. Or when my kids are talking to me. My brain doesn't snap back into focus until the whining starts, I hate whining, so usually I go from ignore to "CUT IT OUT!" My poor kids don't even get a warning mode, I jump from docile to dangerous because of my wandering mind.

And whining.

I've never known a more annoying sound than a kid whining about something. Unfortunately, Weston is proficient at it, and worse he is NOT easily distracted. One morning it was about him wanting me to wash the sausages that were in his soup so he could eat just the sausages. Silly of me not to oblige, thinking if I asked him to "just eat it with soup on it" he would be happy. Jared, bless his heart, tried every method of distraction so we could eat breakfast in peace and so I wouldn't morph into Mean Mommy because of the whining. No distraction worked, but because of Jared's diligent attempts to help I was patient enough to help Westy out and wash his sausages.

I am TOO good at taking care of our fish, he is still alive. Sometimes only half alive, he floats at the top and we all watch to see if he finally died or he'll move again and he always moves eventually.

We took the kids to a BYU Gymnastics meet, trying to spark some excitement into their minds about the sport I have enrolled them all in. Savanna was super excited all afternoon, and super bored at the meet. Fiora wanted popcorn and stared down the college girls behind us until they dropped some on the floor for her to eat. Weston was happy as long as Cozmo was in view and he was standing up on his chair. When the college guy behind us said "DOWN" and I tried to make him sit down things got a little crazy whiney. The highlight was Weston giving Cozmo a high-five, otherwise it was just a good thing Fiora and I got in for free because we were wearing pink. It is Breast Cancer Awareness month and I wasn't aware of that or Jared and Weston would have been wearing pink also.

So we are all so grateful the weather has been a little nicer this week so kids can go outside to play. Fiora and Savanna were nice enough to clean off the tramp with every dish rag and hand towel they could find, and then wash those rags off in the sand-box filled with water.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

More on Fi

Fiora had a great birthday this year. On Tuesday, the day before her birthday, she got a card in the mail from Grandma Sandy and Grandpa Neil with 5 dollars in it! She wants to take it to the store and buy make-up. Fiora had a big friend party with her preschool class that day. 11 kids age 4 showed up, and we played and ate heart shaped pizza and opened lots of presents. I tried to play some games with them, but they were really more interested in free play. Fiora received lots of nice gifts, her favorite being make-up from cousin Lucy. On the 13th, her actual birthday, she opened gifts from her parents, a new swimming suit, playdough, and more make-up! Jared is not amused. But Fiora is happy! Fiora also opened a package that came from Great Grandma Rappleye down in sunny Arizona, a custom made glass doll! With a glass case! That was my favorite. The fun doesn't stop there, on Saturday we had a Barrett family party for Fiora and Kayden Neilson who is also turning five this month. We went to the Kangaroo Zoo (that is a play-place with inflatable slides for those who think it is a real zoo with live Kangaroos, like my dad did!) and played and came back to our house for presents and cake. Grandma Barrett gave Fiora a dress a shirt and a new veggie tales movie, and cousin Kayden gave her a dress too. I thought that would be the end of Fiora's treasures, but last night aunt Shawna gave her a jump rope! Thank you all for the gifts and fun, Fiora feels VERY loved this year.
Here are some pictures from the Kangaroo Zoo!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentines Gift

Although Wendy and Keith Snow have been inviting us for two months, and although it was booked Tuesday, and although Jared didn't surprise me or wrap the itinerary or anything, he still considers our trip to Cancun Mexico in April as my valentines gift. Funny guy. We deliberated for a while because of the cost and Jared's expired passport, but after he got over the fear of getting a passport photo at Costco it was all a go. Interestingly enough, after he got the photo taken he left Costco without picking it up. Must be a subconscious cognitive phobia. Wendy asked Grandma Sandy if she would take our kids for us, and she agreed even though we were too cowardly to ask her ourselves. (Isn't she the greatest???) So its sun, snorkling, fishing, and sight-seeing for Jared and me in April for spring break! This is the first time I have taken a trip with Jared like this, I am really looking forward to it.

Here is a picture of the resort we are staying at, from a helicopter.

Here's a picture from the back door.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Fiora is 5! I made a slide show of her life in the past five years, we are so grateful for Fiora in our family. Here are some things we love about Fiora:
1. Good Eater
2. Marvelous dancer
3. Her slight lisp
4. Hugs and cuddles
5. Says, "I love you" often
6. Shares her toys (most of the time)
7. So smart
8. Candy hunter extrodinaire
9. Beautiful brown eyes and big smile
10. Easy to please
My favoirte Fiora quote is:
"Mommy, why did you have me?"
"Because when Savanna wasn't a baby any more I wanted another one."
"Why did you want me?"
"I wanted a sweet little girl just like you."
"I'm glad you had me mommy."

Friday, February 8, 2008

Beds, buildings, and a puppet theater

This has been a busy week and gone by quickly. I tried a yoga class on Monday at my friend Stacy's persuasion and liked it, although it made me quite sore! I got an A- on my first midcourse exam and just took the 2nd midcourse this morning. Also...

It is my turn to teach two weeks of preschool for Weston and his friends. I made a puppet theater out of our deep freezer's box we never bothered to throw away. I thought it would be a big hit, but the preschoolers were only moderately impressed. It was a lot of fun for Savanna Fiora and Weston for family home evening though!

We got Weston a new big bed. I was proud of myself for finding the "Schauers deal" this time. We got a matress and box spring for $129.00 and the black cottage style headboard for $99. Anyway that was the best we could find for all new items.

I thought it appropriate to buy the girls bedspreads while shopping for Weston's, after all they've used toddler blankets up till now for their covers. It took a lot of convincing to get one of them to take the green one, my personal preference, but Fiora settled for it with a small bribe attached. They have both made their beds for three mornings straight!

Jared's company Home Basics is building a commercial building on State street and the builders just framed the 2nd story. It is exciting to see some progress on that! And here is a slideshow of our sledding trip last weekend, Savanna and Fiora got a hold of the camera on the way home and took some interesting candids too.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

We got another solid 6 inches of snow today. And that on top of what Savanna is modeling in front of here. There was no school on Friday and instead of staying inside cooped up and at each other's throats, we went sledding! Jared had to go to Eagle Mountain for some business so he dropped us off at a great sled hill on the way. Weston got hit in the head by a sled of a kid whose head was in the clouds, but otherwise it all went well. Too bad we could only stay for 2 hours, as soon as we got in the car to go home we were all at ech other's throats again.

Saturday we dragged the kids with us to shop for a big-boy bed for Weston who is growing out of his toddler bed. Of course the girls wanted new beds too when they saw all the different beds. We tried to explain to Savanna, who insisted we get her a new bed or move out of our room so she can have our bed, that we just don't have money to burn, and she simply said, "You both need to get better jobs." I wonder how long it would take for her to realize she'd rather have a mom than a $600 bed. I was hoping the girls would be satisfied with their bunk beds until college, maybe not. I compromised with "when we move into a bigger house and you have your own room, you can have a new bed" which Fiora countered with "let's move tomorrow."

Fiora in her red leotard for gymnastics. Maybe if we quit gymnastics we could afford a new bed for her.

Batman taking off. We never did get him a bed, just a headboard, everything is too expensive! Jared needs to find the right DEAL.

Jared and I got to go on a date to Macaroni Grill last night, how fun! Of course Jared would always rather be fishing. Too bad this weather is relentess, however we are grateful for the moisture.

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...