Saturday, June 1, 2019

May 2019

What happened to May? When its busy it flies by! So much happened I'll have to give captions today.

Some nice days, dinner on the deck!

funny kids

Organized Weston's many medals from gymnastics

Savanna and I went to breakfast on her 18th birthday

Savanna is an adult!

Got an new iPhone for her birthday

Celebrating birthday and Graduation for Sav!

the rain stopped for a few hours so we could celebrate

Savanna chose this cake design
Jared brought his nice grill to make quesadillas for the party!
Fiora and Cade Trippett joined the party

Grandma and baby Kat

Thanks Snows for coming!

Singing to Savanna!

Joey and Savanna

Savanna loves her aunt Wendy

Jared at Savanna's senior dinner

Savanna gave a nice tribute to us at her senior dinner

Someone pranked Savanna and spelled both her names wrong

Weston performed with his chamber choir at St Fransis Cathedral, it was wonderful!

Savanna walking to her graduation
Sitting on the back row

Katy Sue kept me entertained during the ceremony

Robbie  was so patient

Thanks for coming Weights, mom and dad, and the Searcy's!

She did it!
Proud parents

Proud grandparents

We gave her some graduation money!

Heather turned 41, family celebrated with me!


Everlight fishy face

Suzette cutie pie

We really had fun at the cabin!

Memorial Day observance, Grandma Sandy's grave

Lillian's grave
Aunt Kris

Grandma and Grandpa Barrett

Fiora's sophomore picture in the yearbook, cutie

Dinner at the Garden room with parents and cousin Rachelle and Aunt Betty Ann and Uncle Steve!

A real treat

Love these ladies

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...