Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I have been getting asked the question "What is your favorite movie?" a lot lately. Maybe this is because I am so extraordinarily picky about movies and people are wondering, well what DO you like??? So I thought I'd add a list of movies I think are good in composition, moral, integrity, humor/drama, and entertainment. Feel free to remind me of some great ones, this list may grow as I remember more.


Cami said...

Nice! About a week ago I was looking for something like unto Shelfari were I could put reviews of movies like I do my books. I can't find anything satisfactory. I just want Shelfari for movies. Bad. But I like your list!

Cody and Utahna said...

I think we have a lot of the same tastes. I'm very picky too. Some of my favs you might want to check out are Fried Green Tomatoes, The Ultimate Gift, Lorenzo's Oil, and I also liked Vantage Point a lot, though it has quite a bit of action violence. I guess having Dennis Quaid in it kind of made the violence not weigh so heavily in my book ;-) Speaking of which, I also loved Frequency.

Cody and Utahna said...

Oh, and I forgot One night with the King!

Sara said...

You know what I remember watching with you freshman year, "What's Up Doc" with Barbara Streisand. That is actually a pretty funny movie! (This was you right, or am I getting old and not remembering things correctly anymore? :))

Cody and Utahna said...

I can't stop racking my brain for good movies. It is kind of fun. I'll have to put a similar post on mine. What about Charly, The Importance of Being Earnest( so funny!), and I admit I am a big time HSM and HSM2 junkie!

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...