Sunday, January 4, 2009

Fiora looses a tooth

Fiora had a "first" loose tooth for eight days. She had it so loose she could push it perpendicular with her tongue. We all tried to convince her to just pull it out several times. She wouldn't think of it. And she wouldn't let anyone come near it to wiggle or twist or pull. We would give her apples and carrots and she would strategically bite with her other teeth. As I Heather was tucking Savanna in bed I heard a commotion in the bathroom. I ran to see Jared winning a battle with Fiora to pull out her tooth. Poor Fiora was fighting kicking and screaming but out the tooth came. Trauma! Jared was unabashed and victorious. After the bleeding stopped and some hugs from mom Fiora was excited her tooth was out and even let us snap some pictures. Since Fiora is a sleeper inner the tooth fairy can easily put off giving money until the morning.


Amy said...

Yea Fi! Glad to hear that tooth finally came out. That is so funny that Jared took matters into his hands.

Breanne said...

I think it always bugged my dad when our teeth were loose, because he would always yank them out as soon as he could!
Good for Jared, and good for Fiora!!

Robin said...

hey there! i sure love keeping up with you guys on your blog! You guys are so cute! love ya! robin

Cami said...

Ah, poor Fi. She looks so tragic. I'll get she liked the money though.

Sara said...

I always hated having loose teeth. Such a yucky feeling. Yay for Fiora being such a champ!

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...