Monday, April 6, 2009

Creative geniuses

Weston is a genius colorer. He colors things just as they should be and in the lines. He's a realist. He loves his pictures to be just so.
Savanna pulled out her easter basket from preschool and was bound and determined to make another one for Fiora. She did a pretty good job, no help from uninterested mom.

Savanna pulled out her "Kid Science" book and has pestered me about doing some science projects. This colorful volcano was the latest. We've also done sugar crystals and capilary rise experiments. The crystals are growing, but they're non too pretty as all the kids wanted to put in a drop of food coloring and red plus blue plus yellow equals brown. The volcano was pretty though.

The '80s are back I guess because the kids wear leggings and want their hair done in side pony tails. They are cuties though.

And our final creative genius, Jared propped his eyes open with easter eggs during conference to keep himself awake and all of us entertained.


Cody and Utahna said...

You do have a brilliant bunch! I always feel guilty getting exasperated with the messes geniuses leave in their wakes... but I do it any way! What's a mom to do?!?

Carpenter Column said...

So did Weston only color the action figures or did he draw them too? That's pretty amamzing. I like the spiderman the best. Oh, and the carving that Savanna busted is pretty hilarious too! lol

Robin said...

I am so impressed with you guys! Heather, you should win the mom of the year award for doing that volcano thingy with Savanna. I can't believe how well Weston colors!! Must have his mom's artistic talent...:)

Stephanie said...

I'm very impressed with Weston's superhero pictures and the volcano! Loved Jared's new look!

Cami said...

WOW, that is some nice coloring. He'll be an artist like mommy. Nice job on the baskets Savanna!

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