Friday, June 19, 2009

Much Realestate equals Invisible Daddy

"No Husband About"

During summer vacation with no husband about
Mom said "We will have an adventure no doubt!"
We'll make lots of mem'ries, we'll play and have fun
We'll all love each other when the day is all done

This was the idea, this was a good plan
But much more than that came about with this clan
Heather, Savanna, Fiora, and Wes
Found staying inside made it quite a big mess.

In addition to fun we need kids that will clean
So chores were created and kids said, "How mean!"
Dishes, and sweeping, bathrooms that shine,
Picking up everything, his hers and mine.

All of this cleaning makes everyone tired
Before it is done they wish mother was fired
Distracted by playing they forget what to do
And play soon turns into a fight, maybe two

Through yelling and tears mom sees to the fuss
And trips over toys that should have been picked up
"Savanna stop hitting! Weston be quiet!
Fiora I asked you to clean, I don't buy it!"

So mother came up with a few other ways
to make her kids listen and do what she says.
Bribery! Hey that is something to try
They'll do what I say if give them a "why"

In ten minutes flat they had the house clean
When mother said "How bout we do chuckecheese?"
But one hour later they were quite bored of that
So mom was left wondering "Now what kids now what?"

I've fed you three meals, and stories we've read
We've watched a few movies, and made all the beds
We roasted marshmallows, we've gone to the store
I am out of ideas and still you want more.

You've fought and you've cried and you've taken your baths
Now go brush your teeth while I take out the trash
Now right into bed, I don't want you to shout
It's hard for your mom with no husband about!

With the kids all in bed and the noise all but gone
Mom lays on her bed and thinks where'd I go wrong?
Then softly a voice from the bedroom calls Wes:
"Mom we forgot to say prayers, can you help?"

So a prayer is said by a sweet little boy
and mom's heart is softened and filled up with joy
We had lots of troubles, but the good Lord above
Reminded me I have 3 children to love

I'm so glad I have Him, I'm glad He's about
I'm glad the Lord helps me when Jared is out.


Amy said...

That was sooo cute - you are an excellent writer! You made me laugh in the middle and cry at the end...perfect!!

Amber said...

What a sweet poem Heather! I love it....

Karli Sue said...

Heather I love that! that is a beautiful poem!!!

Breanne said...

You are so talented. I love that you can write poems. I hope for your sake that it won't be like that all summer.

Sara said...

You are so creative and talented! Love this!

Cami said...

Aww, I have guilt. Sorry we took him that one night. I seriously thought of you alone with kiddos the whole time! A mommy needs some help after a long summer day! Very cool poem, you are cute.

Eric and Shelene said...

So creative...I love it! And thanks for a glimpse into your is nice to know that I am not the only mother who has a hard time getting the kids to do chores, which turn into playing, which turns into fighting. We love you guys!

The Snow Family said...

wow! you are my hero. Isaiah 58:8 is where the Lord has promised to watch our back...Your poem reminded me of that scripture. I love you, friend! Wendy

Carpenter Column said...

Print that up and bring it for family night.

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