Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cooking queen

My days are done in the blink of an eye. These are the only two pictures I took this week. Savanna is turning into quite a chef. She makes herself omelets, fried eggs, oatmeal, school lunches, and macaroni and cheese without any help. It makes me a little nervous to hear her in the kitchen rattling dishes and butter sizzling, but she does not like me to help her because according to her I "just take over." I really like that she can do it herself actually, since I am gone in the mornings and after school half the week I like to know she can get something other than cereal to eat. And for her siblings too.
As much as I love school, :), the weekends are a nice reprieve. Friday I was able to cut Weston's hair, visit with my sister Holly, go to the temple, help in Weston's class, and go to Carrabas with my parents and siblings while the kids played here with their cousins. Saturday we went to the rec center again, with Jared, much funner that way. That evening Jared took Weston to the Motor Cross in Salt Lake while I took the girls to Chili's. (We're using our gift cards and loving it!) Weston LOVED the jumping motorcycles! He told me all about it the next day. Jared kept him out until 11:45 PM! But he never complained, he had a great time. Sunday we had dinner with the Schauers at Wendy's, it was fun to be with them for a while.
One note about miss Fiora. I am amazed with her reading level and interest. I have only Savanna to compare her to, and I thing Savanna is a good reader too, so normal or not I don't know, but she seems ahead for first grade. She reads chapter books already. Every night in her bed she reads Junie B Jones, Magic Tree house, Ready Freddy, etc. Her teacher has this requirement that parents read to their kids 20 minutes a day and Fiora won't let me read to her, she insists on reading to ME! When she is done reading her Level G home reader she reads Weston's Level A and then Savanna's level M too. It is really something, I like it.


Robin said...

Wow! I am so impressed with Savannah! I am going to tell Miles what a "cooking queen" that she is and maybe he will get the bug too. However, the thought of the girls and Mitchell being "Chef's Helpers", kind of makes me shudder. hee hee

Carpenter Column said...

HEATHAAAAAAAAAAA! I'm such a slacker blog reader! But I just got up to date - and I even had to click on older posts too! I love the snowman picture!!! I love Savannah's contract - and those are some pretty good goals ya'll have - but the employees in the kitchen - now that's a good idea! I'm excited about your intern assignments!!!

runningfan said...

I'm so impressed with your kids!

Cami said...

Wow Savannah!! I just barely got Jeffy to get himself cereal, and now the boys can both open apple sauce. What an achievement . . .

Glad Fiora is such a great reader! Jeffy likes all those books too, but he also reads Narnia and the like. I love it when kids love to read! Ethan is just taking off. Went from the reading intervention program to well over his grade in just a couple weeks. He's been starting to read Magic Treehouse in his bed too.

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...