Sunday, July 4, 2010

This week

If you look at that picture of Fiora in the last post you may notice that her upper gums looks a little redder than they should. Well from Sunday to Tuesday those gums just got redder and more swollen until I became very alarmed. Tuesday morning not just the upper gums, but LL her gums top and bottom were puffy and bright red. I thought she had a gum disease. I know she has good dental hygiene so I was confused, I made an appointment with the dentist, but Jared was in charge to take her and decided she needed to go to the doctor not the dentist. The doctor said she had tonsillitis and a cold sore. That was rather alarming to me, what about her gums??? And the rotted spot where her top tooth used to be? I was frustrated that I wasn't the one to take her in. The nurse practitioner Fiora saw "guesses" the bacteria from tonsillitis got in her gums when her tooth came out. She got on two medicines that evening. It was pure torture making her brush her teeth after every meal, not to mention a bloody mess. I told her many times how brave she was. She didn't want to eat anything Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday. Thursday I gave Fiora (and Karli) strict instructions that she eat all her food every meal, she was losing weight and the infection didn't seem any better. Thursday evening Jared gave her a blessing. Friday evening things finally started looking better. We went down to Gunnison for the 4th celebrating with the Schauers, Fiora still seemed a bit on the lethargic side that night, but on Saturday she had a lot of energy and her gums looked a lot better. We saw the Gunnison parade and went to the park mini carnival and Fiora held up really well, although she was cold in the breeze. Sunday was the first time we saw the real girl come back to us, she was dancing and acting like her usual spazzy self. The Lord gave me so much strength to keep putting in internship hours, all I wanted to do was stay home and hug my sick girl. Its so hard to have a sore mouth and not be able to eat or swallow! She is a strong gal.

This is a picture of what Fiora put on her bed post after the tooth fairy forgot to leave money for her under her pillow the first night. We all thought it was so funny. Might become a family inside joke when someone is acting a bit clueless, "Give that kid a dollar and some sense!"

This is a picture of the mailbox Savanna put next to my door. She likes to put letters in it when she misses me. Savanna practiced her violin diligently every day this week. We'll see how it goes when she knows more than two notes.


Stacy said...

Wow poor Fiora. that is no fun. I am so glad she is feeling better.

Sara said...

Poor Fiora, that sounds so painful!

Cami said...

Oh my! What a sad thing. Poor Fiora. Cute note though!

Natalie said...

Heather, my heart goes out to you and your sick family :) I hope you never hesitate to call if you need help with your kids.

Emily N. said...

I had something similar happen when I was in first grade. I got my first cold sore, and it caused my whole mouth to get red, and I had sores in and out. I didn't eat for several days either. Poor girl!

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...