Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Last Airbender

Weston wants to be Aang, the last air bender, the avatar, whatever name you prefer, for Halloween. This is the first halloween one of my kids hasn't been satisfied with some costume in our supply or in Target's large inventory. I researched costumes and found a few suppliers of Last Airbender costumes, but they were around $50 and looked cheap and not that impressive to me. I finally came to the realization that if I was to make Weston Aang, I would need to make the costume myself. Sewing is on the bottom of my list of abilities; however, Fiora volunteered me to sew 20 aprons for her classmates last month, and it somewhat increased my confidence. So Weston and I set out to make an Aang costume. Thankfully Weston was willing to settle for a costume design that resembled the "people movie" rather than the animated series. I found a tomato red cape, a hand me down aisian looking blouse, and an old cotton slip, and with the help of Wendy's sewing machine and some ingenuity, I transformed them into a cloak and an outfit that satisfied Weston. I was so pleased with myself!! (I had to order the staff from, we had nothing like that lying around.) Weston talked me into buzzing his hair too, so stay tuned.


Stacy said...

Wow impressive! Way to go. I don't even know what the last airbender is. But he looks great!

runningfan said...

I'm impressed! Looks great!

Eric and Shelene said...

Looks awesome! Way to go!!!

Unknown said...

Heather you did awesome on this. My boys would love it if I could come up with something like this for them! Nice Job!

Robin said...

What is up with this "last airbender thing?" WE have had it on a LOT at our house too... hmmm, i guess there could be worse things, right? Good job on the costume! i really like "" I also got the girls costumes from there as well. Happy Halloween!

Cami said...

That is an awesome costume. i've never seen that movie, but I shall.

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...