Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fiora's Eight

FIORA had a birthday on Sunday the 13th of February. On Saturday I played "restaraunt" with the kids, they had a menu and chose what they wanted to drink and eat and I made their respective dishes and served them. They all loved it.

Fiora's friend part included a trip to Carl's Jr for lunch and then a hot tub party. Fiora got just what she wanted, a pillow pet and a hula hoop and had a lot of fun playing with her friends. Cathy Webb saved me the trouble of making a cake and cupcakes, they were so pretty and Fiora loved them!

(If you look close in the above picture, you will see Savanna biting her nails. She's got a bad habit of it.) Sunday morning we had a treasure hunt Savanna put together for Fiora and she found her three birthday presents from us. We got her shoes and a watch and a zhu zhu pet dog. After church Aunt Wendy came over and gave Fiora a Baptism Book and sang to her. Fiora felt very special that Wendy would make a special trip and special gift just for her.

The Barrents all came over for a turkey dinner that evening and showered Fiora with more gifts. Nanny aunt Karli gave Fiora a glass doll which she loved, and she got two huge stuffed bears and lots of adorable shirts from Grandma and Grandpa Barrett! It was a special day for a special girl.

This beautiful card was made by Krystal and Karli. THANKS everyone for all your love and gifts!


Stacy said...

Fiora looks so cute! Can't believe she's really 8 - wow!

Amy said...

Happy Birthday Fi Fi! Glad you had such an awesome 8th birthday!! Hey-I need to know where Jared is getting LASIK because I'm saving up!

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...