Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rappleye Reunion

We got together with my extended family on the Rappleye side this weekend for our reunion, and this years' was extra special because Grandma Avonell Rappleye is celebrating her 90th birthday this week!
So the reunion started off with a big birthday party with a program, a display table, amazing decorations, and yummy food. I was honored to represent all of Avonell's grandchildren and read their one-line tributes to the audience. Thank you all my cousins who emailed their tributes to me, Grandma loved every word! It was fun to reconnect with cousins there. At that party I was struck with how blessed and fortunate we all are for being born to Grandma's family. She endowed us all with charity and musical talents and selfless consideration of others.
Aunt Betty Ann, Patricia, Kathy Sue, and Jeanie, Avonell's daughters.
Fiora being bored.

Savanna caught in the act of biting her nails!!!
Great grandchildren singing happy birthday songs for Grandma.
This was how Grandma looked the entire evening! She was so surprised and thrilled the whole night! She told me it was the best birthday party she has ever had.

My Aunt Cathy made this collage and managed to get a picture of every single person in Grandma's posterity, I thought that was amazing.
Our Uncle John Rappleye, Foster Rappleye's brother, attended the birthday. My cousin Meadow Terry Alexander and her baby Faith are pictured with him. Meadow and her family did a great job on the refreshments that evening.
Me and grandma, see how she is just beautiful and beaming?

One Monday, memorial day, we gathered at Aunt Patricia's church for family pictures, games, the Mayflower skit, lunch, and a less formal birthday party for Grandma. Grandma's was given an amazing gift from her daughters, a cruise to the Bahamas in November!!! She was so shocked and thrilled. My sister Holly offered to make grandma's birthday cake for this day, and I helped her with it. She did a great job and it tasted wonderful!!! While we were doing the cake Jared was with my cousins playing basketball and other games. It was fun to see the family playing volleyball and basketball together.

Picture time. This was less than 50% of the family, but still a numerous crowd!

The Mayflower skit, this was interesting, it gave a history of our ancestors and traced our lineage clear back to the pilgrims who came to America on the Mayflower.

It was super cold outside that day, but we all survived! We all just love our Grandma Rappleye so much, I hope she always knows how much she is loved!

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