Wednesday, January 4, 2012

NTW and Goodbye 2011

Among my most cherished gifts this Christmas was a 4 page color original comic made by my three sisters Karli, Krystal and Kynsie. They have volumes of stories by these three characters, Nonny, Tutu, and Whitney (based on their own alter egos) and they are hilarious. I asked for an original NTW comic for Christmas and was delighted to see that they had incorporated ME in the comic as well! It made me laugh, what a great gift to give someone, laughter!

We had a very delightful evening New Years Eve at Jesse and Kelsy Barretts home. Jesse made Korean Kimchi soup from scratch, and Bill made Artichoke parmesan dip and I brough shrimp and Dad brough goolash and buffalo chicken and we had a feast! We also had cake and icecream to celelbrate Kelsy's birthday. We played games and watched "Source Code" in Jesse's awesome theater. Then we said goodbye to 2011. I am sad to see it go! This was a good year for me.

1. Graduated with a Masters Degree
2. Daughter Fiora was baptized
3. Jared met his business' income goal for the year
4. Bought a nice home and moved
5. Vacation to Hawaii
6. Healed myself from strange chronic fatigue, headaches and dizzy spells by modifying diet
7. Got a great part time job at Successful Therapy
8. Jared let me buy a Rainbow vacuum
9. All three children are healthy and smart and fun and have had no crises this year
10. I have a husband and family that love me!

I send my love to all of you who read our blog! Happy New YEAR 2012!


Karli Sue said...

Yay yay!! sounds like you had a wonderful year, and I'm so glad you loved our comic! We just love you tons!

Heidi said...

LOL - love how they captured you!

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...