Sunday, April 29, 2012

Spring Happenings

April has flown by! We have enjoyed warmer than usual spring weather (for the most part) and all the trees are already full of leaves and the lilacs have been blooming three weeks early.  Here are some Schauers events the last part of April.
Our flowering plum tree with blossoms that are all gone now.

The Monday after we returned from our trip my mother gave me the opportunity to host an extended family home evening at our home and as a bonus, I was able to invite my Aunt Betty Ann from Arizona and her kids, my cousins, Tiare and Shane over for dinner before the EFHE.  I had to really get to work on the yard and house and laundry and grocery shopping that day, but it was worth it!  The company was great and the food yummy and the EFHE discussion was wonderful. I didn't get any pictures and wish I would have, its not often I get to have my fabulous Rappleye Aunts Uncles and cousins over.

I had a busy week full of clients that week too, so I had to quickly adjust back to reality of many responsibilities.  Soccer of course is still in full force so we had to get to games and practices for all three kids all week. (Savanna did an amazing job as goalie at her last game, she blocked 20 and only let 3 pass, and she took kicks to her face and had a shoulder injury the next day from diving for the ball. She got a lot of praise from parents that embarrassed her after the game.)  Jared was catching up with his business and had no time to fish. Of course school, carpool, choir, piano lessons, and church callings all need to be taken care of too. And on top of all this I came down with a terrible head cold, so what spare time I had I spent resting, not cleaning. There was one less responsibility to take care of and that was Savanna's orchestra which is over for the year.  She really improved her violin skills by participating in orchestra, and I had a lot of fun accompanying for them.  The directors even gave me a Lindon Elementary Orchestra T-shirt at the Spring Fling concert.

Savanna's elementary orchestra
Me playing, a little blurry
Savanna and her stand partner Enoch
Spring Fling--6 elementary orchestras all get together and play/perform

The next week was much better. I had fewer clients and felt much more healthy, so I could catch up on house work and even made some time to do yard work and plant two trees and two lilac bushes. (Mowing our lawn wiped me out more than digging four holes if you can believe--hills and lots of unloading grass clippings.)  I chose 2 Redhaven peach trees, because I didn't want tall trees blocking the view and I've always wanted fruit trees in my yard.  Since I've planted them I have learned they are going to be quite a maintenance headache, but if I can prune them correctly and keep the diseases away, we will have wonderful peaches in a few years.

Waiting for a really warm day to prune
Yay lilacs!!!
I think my trees will be really nice!
Weston, super soccer star


Amber said...

That's quite the lawn! No wonder you were wiped out mowing it! Love the pic of you and the lilac bush!

Amy said...

Yard work is so exhausting! It always feels like a huge accomplishment. Your yard is looking beautiful! Good Job!

Maria Olson said...

Your yard looks great! Your family looks great too! I want to come see you one of these days.

Peggy said...

I enjoy reading your blog Heather! Way to go on the yardwork!!!

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...