Saturday, April 5, 2014

Return of the "no sugar" contract

Weston and Jared decided to do a pull-up workout one evening and begged me to take some pictures. I thought they were so funny that they wanted me to do that, but I sure do love my rock hard boys!

 Fiora tried to do a pull up, I can get up a little farther than her, but still can't pull up the whole way.

 Savanna did some chores around the house for a couple weeks to earn some money for a new back pack, she has put up with hand me downs for quite some time now, and that is just not hip enough for 7th grade.

Savanna made a goal last month to make a chocolate dessert once a day. I was dealing with a lot of chocolate messes in the kitchen, and a lot of witnessing my kids gorge themselves on sugary food.    Since I put a stop to it, the kids have substituted chocolate "muffins" for cereal and fruit, not sure much progress was made but there you go.

 Fiora decided to start a dog walking business. She created fliers and distributed them all around the neighborhood to dog owners. She hasn't gotten one call yet, but one person did ask her to feed their dog as a favor while they were out of town. 
I got to babysit Knightly again while Jesse and Kelsy went skiing!  6 hours, I loved it, I feel so honored that they trust me with their little boy.  He is such a doll, I missed him the next day.


Return of the No Sugar Contract
It is far and wide not a comprehensive sugar free diet, but the kids have agreed to abstain from dessert candy sugary breads and drinks for 1 month April 1 to April 30.  Instead of storing it this time they are required to chuck it. Including Easter candy. I am offering a high $$ incentive if they can do it, and Sav dreams of new jeans, Fiora a kindle, and Weston more legos, so they are motivated to earn the money by throwing the sugar.   Here is Savanna so responsibly having an after school snack of chips and home made salsa instead of pastries.  All the kids are having some dessert and candy cravings because of the contract

My last burger and fries on a lunch date with Jared

I, however, have decided to abstain from ALL sugar now and forever, yes I have. April 1st will go down in history for me as my deliverance day. Here is the story if you care to understand why (in the form of an email I sent to my brother Jesse):

OK Jesse, a couple years ago you told me you were 99% sure you were hypoglycemic, but the question that really bothered you is, what is causing the hypoglycemia?  I think, for me, I've found or am really close to an answer, and its so simple its kind of laughable: stop eating sugar. 

"What? I thought you already had stopped eating sugar" is what you might be thinking. Lets back up.  As you know, after I started having strange health problems in 2011 I went to my primary physician multiple times and to a cardiologist and all my efforts were dead ends. From their exams I looked in perfect health. I read "The pH Miracle" and "Hypoglycemia: a better approach" (which I recommended to you) and both books agreed on one point, smaller meals and almost complete abstinence from sugar would improve health of those with negative health symptoms such as mine. I tried to listen to my body and experimented on different diet restrictions, and only started to improve when I was eliminating most sugar and eating lots of vegetables and moderate amounts of protein. I thought I'd done it, I'm on the mend.

This year I started lifting weights, confident that now I could do things that normal people do to strengthen their bodies.  In January and Feb I started deteriorating again, bad depression, anxiety, fatigue, dizzy spells, I had thrown off my body's balance somehow by the extra exercise and it made me upset.  You introduced me to "The Bitter Truth" lecture and I started wondering again about sugar intake, but I had been eating hardly any sugar I thought, so maybe it was a fatty acid metabolic disorder.  I resolved to see an endocrinologist again and prayed sincerely and frequently about who to see.  The only person I was able to reach in my efforts was that Dr. Brinton who talked with me 20 minutes on the phone, and his counsel was he thought I did not have a FAOD, but I should continue moderating my diet and don't buy expensive food supplements and don't seek doctors who will take your money and try to find something wrong. I took this as an answer to prayer, although I didn't like the answer, because it was another dead end.  How could I possibly regulate it any more than I am?  I decided to turn to the Lord, and instead of calling more doctors as my neighbors suggested, I prayed and read the scriptures, and finally asked dad for a blessing last Sunday.  I wanted to show the Lord I had perfect faith to be healed since I had done "everything" in my power that I could think of to help myself.

I wasn't miraculously healed, I was just as tired and dizzy and anxious that day as ever.  And I felt really dumb for thinking I would be.  The very next day a lady in our ward called me out of the blue and said she admired me not giving treats in choir, and she has been very aware of how much damage we are all doing to our bodies with sugar intake, and could she bring me a book and send me some quotes (below). I said sure, and she brought me "Sugar Blues" by William Dufty, which I threw on my dresser and didn't look at for 3 days.  I thought, "Oh good, another anti sugar extremest I will have to read through all his overgeneralizing garbage to weed out the truth, I don't know if I'll even read it."  I felt exhausted at the thought of opening that book.

Monday I was feeling very down and I sent dad a email thanking him for the blessing, and that I think the Lord isn't healing me because there is something I can do to heal myself still but I don't know what that is.  Dad said "I feel that He can heal you from the Knowledge that he will send  you.  I believe He will soon."  Immediately I thought of the book Kari gave me, hmmm maybe that was the knowledge, the timing was too impeccable to ignore.  So I spent the whole morning reading Sugar Blues.  I skimmed a lot of the historical sections, but what I read the spirit whispered to me "It is true." Sugar is the cause of many modern day maladies, including mental health problems.  Sugar is causing the hypoglycemia. That day I realized I wasn't in balance and wasn't better because I was STILL EATING SUGAR!  I opened my fridge, jam, salsa, sauces, condiments, dressings, bread, rice, pasta, then the pantry, popcorn, chips, granola, ramen, cereal, its still here.  Yes I eat more wholesome foods and vegetables, yes I stay away from dessert and candy and soda, but its not enough, I'm still intaking on a daily basis high fructose in my teryaki stir fry, maladextrose in my mayonnaise, fructose in dressings, etc etc, not to mention how often I've cheated on bread since I stopped making my own wheat bread.  I slapped my head, sugar is my enemy.  Its depleting me and causing an imbalance my mind and body, and Sugar Blues helped me understand why; for me I had found my answer.

April 1 I stopped it. I went through four days of withdrawal symptoms, mainly feeling cravings and tremors and hunger after I'd just eaten, but not too bad since I already had eliminated hard sugar.  I threw away our brown and white sugar, and once the cereal, white bread, etc is consumed (by Jared and kids) and the sauces done, that's it, I refuse to buy another product that contains any form of processed sugar. I will not create imbalance in my children or myself, they will probably hate me for it, but if they will go with me on it I will have saved them from what I believe is Satan's biggest traps of our age: sugar is useful energy and there is no harm in consuming it. Degrees of harm vary person to person, I am particularly sensitive to it.
Since you have been my support and ally on this journey I wanted to let you know where I was headed.  We have been raised on white bread and ovaltine, ramen and cereal, cake and ice cream, so its going to be hard to see those for the poisons they are and let our bodies become whole again through intaking only whole foods. I won't blame you if you can't go there right now, I remember how tough it was when I was trying the alkaline diet, I got a lot of resistance from well meaning people.  The stinger was "Has a doctor told you you have to eat only alkaline foods?" No.  And I love the pointers, "The church tells us to store flour and sugar, and its not in the word of wisdom to abstain from sugar."  That's true. I don't know why the Lord hasn't warned the saints about the dangers of sugar, from where I'm standing right now it would be better to eat grass and meat in an emergency than deplete your system with sugar and flour, so it doesn't make sense and a lot of people will view me as extreme, just like I viewed the alkaline authors.  I don't know all the answers, but I know he gave me an answer.  At the very lest, please read Sugar Blues and tell me what you think about it. I will attach some quotes from it as well so you can kind of see what its about.

Discourses of Brigham Young

 By temperance and moderation lay the foundation for the development of the mind. p. 182
             God designs that we shall engage in this great work of restoration. Then let us not trifle with our mission, by indulging in the use of injurious substances. These lay the foundation of disease and death in the systems of men
             Do you know that it is your privilege so to live that your minds may all the time be perfectly within your control? Study to preserve your bodies in life and health, and you will be able to control your minds.  p. 190
  ‘If I do any injury to my child, I sin.’  p. 185
             Some healthy, strong-constituted persons can eat large quantities of food with apparent impunity; but, in doing so, the tax they place upon their systems will ultimately bring disease and death.  p. 182
 The Americans, as a nation, are killing themselves with their vices and high living... it will take generations to entirely eradicate the influences of deleterious substances. This must be done before we can attain our paradisiacal state, for the Lord will bring again Zion to its paradisiacal state. Vol. 8 p. 63-64
             Be careful of your bodies; be prudent in laying out your energies, for when you are old you will need the strength and power you are now wasting. Preserve your lives.
John Taylor
 We are here, as a people, . . . not to imitate the world, unless it be in that which is good . . . but that we may put ourselves in possession of every truth, of every virtue, of every principle of intelligence know n among men, together with those that God has revealed for our special guidance, and apply them to our everyday life, and thus educate ourselves and our children in everything that tends to exalt man . . . We should seek to know more about ourselves and our bodies, about what is most conducive to health and how to preserve health and how to avoid disease; and to know what to eat and what to drink, and what to abstain from taking into our systems.
Joseph F. Smith
           We pray to God to heal us when we are sick, and then we turn round from our prayers and partake of the very things that He has told us are not good for us! How inconsistent it is for men to ask God to bless the, when they themselves are taking a course to injure and to bring evil upon themselves No wonder we don’t get our prayers answered more than we do,
George Albert Smith
   . . . this temple of the body is sacred . . . the spirit in the tabernacle came from God . . . If men realized that, how much more careful they would be to protect this tabernacle and keep it wholesome and delightful.               The Teachings of George Albert Smith, p. 13

David O. McKay
    A . . . contributing factor to happiness I name as the confidence of self-mastery. No one wishes to be a slave to other human beings; no one willingly bows down to a dictator. But some are slaves to themselves, to their appetites, and passions. They are not free. They have deprived themselves of freedom and of individual liberty. Instead of being kings and masters of self, they are slaves.
             If in doubt as to any food or drink, whether it is good or harmful, let it alone until you have learned the truth in regard to it. If anything offered is habit forming, we will be safe in concluding that it contains some ingredients that are harmful to the body and should be avoided.   “The Word of Wisdom,” Improvement Era, Feb. 1956, p. 79


Kaylee said...

Wow you've got some serious willpower! Good luck!

Natalie said...

So... I've really been struggling with my energy lately and kept getting the feeling that I need to get sugar out of my diet. I remembered that you had/were doing something like that so I came to see if I could find out more about it :) I don't know if I will be able to get rid of as much as you have, but I'm at least starting down that road. I'm mostly wondering what you eat instead! And....does everyone think you are crazy? :)

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...