Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Birthday Season

 We started birthday season off with Savanna on the 17th, and since then her cousin Mekhi, and me, and Grandma Rappleye, and uncle Bill and cousin Knightly have all had birthdays! My birthday was a nice warm day that was also memorial day, so Jared was off work (hooray) and we had my parents over for brunch, rode bikes to the cemetery, and later at crab at red lobster. It was so nice to remember my daughter Lillian on my birthday, and Jared's mom, my paternal grandparents, my aunt Kris, a dear friend Sarah Seaver, and Jared's paternal grandparents who are all buried at the Orem cemetery.  We put big pinwheels on Lillian's grave.  We miss her.
The week of my birthday I had severe abdominal pain and bloating, and after 5 days of it not going away I went to the doctor. I had elevated levels of pancreatic enzymes in my blood, meaning I had pancreatitis, and I was ordered to be on a liquid diet for three days. I bought a juicer and drank juice and water for three days, and it helped the bloating go down but brought back some sugar cravings and hypoglycemic problems. Grrr. Thankfully my birthday came on a day I could eat regular food again, and Jared was very kind to take the whole family to Red Lobster so I could get my favorite meat in the whole world, crab, it was SOOOO good.
We had a nice Sunday dinner and celebrated my and my sister Kynsie's birthday coming up this week as she is in Idaho going to school.  She received her mission call to Rapid City South Dakota!  We are so happy for her, she leaves August 20th.  Congratulations Kynsie!

Birthday brunch with the family

Summer was upon us before we knew it. The kids always have a lot of fun the last week of school at various activities. Savanna did indeed survive 7th grade, and we're hopeful she will make it through 8th grade as well.  I feel like the first week of summer has already been more productive than the last week of school, the kids have 5 goals to accomplish each morning before they can have free time/privileges: Exercise, talent, academic, reading, and chores.  Its only been three days but they have been doing their 30 minutes in each category without complaint, good job kids!  The summer is full of activities: clear creek for Fiora, girls camp for Savanna, Jeremiah Johnson camp for Weston, gymnastics class 4 hours three times a week for Weston, and a new piano teacher for Weston, an Authors Club Camp at BYU for Fiora, Daughters of Valor for Fiora, a volley ball camp for Savanna, all on top of the summer activities and the rest of the birthdays we have to celebrate. We also look forward to our Barrett Familiy Reunion coming up in August!  Yay for summer.

1 comment:

Kaylee said...

What a fun month! Roger served in that same mission!

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...