Friday, October 31, 2014

While we were gone

Our prayers were answered and the kids were safe and well looked after while we were gone.  Krystal did a great job getting them here and there, and they got a long with her well too, bonus! My sister Karli Sue also had her baby while we were gone, but she is in Ohio so I can't even hold her! :( Here are a few email snippets of what the kids sent us while we were gone.

October 16th
Hi mommy and daddy I miss you already! I hope you have a super fun time! This week had been soooo long. Anticipating this trip and fall break. But its finally here. I slept in until 10:53 A.M.! I am going to have Ami over today I think I'm so sad you can meet her yet. But it sounds like you are having a great time soooo... Luv you soo much!
❤/: Savvy
P.S. we got BOOd last night so we are thinking peanut butter cookies and apple bread!

❤/: Savvy
mommy daddy! I hope you have a great anniversary and I know it is probably like eight right now for you, but I love you soooo much! those pictures are so cool i like the one with all the purple flowers in it! I slept into 9 o clock. Happy anniversary I love you soo much! here is what Weston has to say
HI i love you so much! I miss you too! I hope you have a fun time on your trip! tell dad I said hi.
Weston obviously has not much to say. Okay I love you have a fun time! I miss you alsot!
yeah, everything is going good! i will let weston know this and enjoy the rest of your time there.
October 17th
Sorry if I woke you up but I couldn't wait to show you this: 

Believe it or not thoes are my real eyelashes but I was wearing fake ones before only I took the off because they were very irritating. Holly cames over and we had a photo shoot she did our hair and make up for it fiora looked Gorgeous!! When you get back we will show you every thing. Sophie was totally into it! She is such a super model! She wore the old wedding dress that we still have in our costume closet and it fit PERFECTLY!! She was sooo cute! Right now I am in your bathroom I don't know why. 😜 Well get back to sleep. Love you lots
❤/: Savvy
  Oh and you and Wendy look soo cute!!! 😊😊☺☺😉😄😃😘😘😘😘
  ❤/: Savvy
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! So yesterday ami and I went to the movies and watched meet the Mormons again because she hadn't seen it. That's okay though I LLLUUUVVV that movie and I wanted to go again. Oh and yesterday we BOOd the Chattertons and the Mosures. Don't worry I'll get caught up on my math eventually. Besides it goes on term two so my grade will be what it is right now probably. Anyway... I think that me, ami and Aislyn are probably going to Swig today. At least ami invited us yesterday. Well those pictures are waaayyy cute and fiora just about died of a heart attack when she saw that cute kitty! 😂I hope you continue two have a great time and that your digestion problems don't get any worse! Love you guys ssoooooxsxosoosoxoxo much!!!!!!
❤/: Savvy

KITTIES!!!!! That looks like an egyptian mau cat... or it could be a manx! if you got a stand up piture of one, i bet I could decipher it better because manx have no tail. That is such a cool picture of you and dad on that rock!! and the ship looks like a movie ship! I hope you are feeling okay, I haven't either, but its all good. GO AWAY BREAD!!! I did see weston practicing yesterday, but not today, he is still asleep! (LOL oh israel) Last night we did take the garbages to the road, but the rewcycling bin was overflowing, and I didn't want the garbage dude to put boxes in the garbage... So i was in a conundrum. We didn't, but the garbage was taken out.
On wednesday we got boooed, where someone secretly gives you a treat, and you have to give someone some treats. We made on bakes with candy corn, because we got a bag of candy corn when we got booed.
Well I hope you have a great time with you arabian familis! be safe!!!!
MOmmy i love you tooo much don't leave! hehehe I thihnk I did good on my math test yesterday. I love you very very much. I will email you even more tomorrow.
October 18
Wat da heack!!!!! Is that even a real camel? Das sooo cool!
DAD DON'T EVEN FALL OFF OF THAT CLEEF! YOU ARE A CRAZY MAN! Sooo I confirmed with Ashlyn that I was coming to temple yesterday and that I would be waiting at 5:30 A.M. just like we planed. Only guess what at 1:33A.M. She texted me back and told me to be waiting at 5 sharp.only I didn't even get that text until I woke up at 5:15 A.M. I thought for sure that they had come and gone but I waited a while at the window but around 5:25 texted her and asked her if they had left without me. This is what she said: 
     I'm running really late and just can't come pick u up plus I don't feel good. But I will take you some other time I promise!
So there I am in my dress al ready to go at 5;30 A.M. and she canceled on me. Then I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't so I did my nails and watched a movie until Krystal came down and got Wes for gym. Then I went upstairs and crashed in your bed until 11:43 A.M. I am still quite disappointed that I couldn't go but I guess that's life. But it looks like you guys are having a great time so continue.😁 OH!!!!!! AND KATY SUE WAS BORN TODAY 1:31 A.M. weighing at 7 pounds. HOORAY! Tell mom if she doesn't already know! Love you so much and have a keep on having a GREAT time! 
❤/: Savvy
Oct 19
Mom I'm so so sorry you don't feel good! Please be careful I want you to enjoy your trip! You only have 7 more days! We all love Krystal she's doing a wonderful job here! Please feel better. I am so sorry that happened. I love you and miss you soooooooooooo much!
❤/: Savvy
PS oh and that prayer thing would just be so irritating. I probably would have been ready to rip my hair out!!!

that is all i have to say. Im so sorry mom! I wish I could come and give you hugs and cuddles. How are dad? That is funny you usually don't see many pictures of Jesus in big cities.   Happy days, will come as well.... I think that is how it goes. I have that song stuck in my head to make up for no choir! raoar! well i love you and hope you feel better completely!
yum pomegranate juice? You don't have to get me any souveniers if you get me one of those cats! I cant believe you guys saw a camel  (well I guess i can It was just unexpected {actually it is not unexpected[Ill just stop taliking now[}) now i want pomegranates! Katy sue is here! if you are not getting the texts, but I doubt you can get the texts from jerusalem! I am sooo excited! we have been doing pretty good with the cooking, but today i made myself some eggs, and I accidentally poured WAY too much bacon on it.
Katy Sue born Oct 18th 2014 daughter of Grant and Karli Sue
SHWARMA!! meow. So pretty i like that house place. youre singing is so great. Also um last might I had a horrible night, cause i felt like I kept hearing my name so I sang a primary song, but I fell back asleep, and then i woke up again,, and my finger was losing circulation, and so I felt it, and one of my rubber bands was on my finger, and so I wasn't thinking straight and dropped it, and then I felt in my mouth, and only one of my rubber bands were in there and i am like oh no! I dropped it! so I had to go all the way upstairs and got another one, and it was so weird, because either my ears were ringing, because I kept hearing fi, fi, fi, fi, fi, until i fell asleep again. It is so funny though, because Krystal found out that the vent in her bathroom led to the vent in our bathroom, so she was like "Hellooooooo? Anybody therrrrrreeeeee????" It was sooo funny lololololol! Krystal is awesome, yestereday we played ultimate spoons in our backyard, and Weston was climbing on the basketball hoop, and he went to the hoop and he hung on the hoop and the thing started wobbling, and i am like weston! and he jumped off and I yelled at him because I tought he was going to die. And hes all acting like nothing scary happened, hes just like jeesh, and so I stormed inside. Well here is what weston has to say:
I already saw that, Savanna showed it to me, I have already seen the pictures, I already know thats schrorma,
ok... well love you bye bye have fun be safe and feel good!

Shwarma. Ha! You are totally rockin that scarf mom! 😉
❤/: Savvy
Oct 20
waoh! that is sooo coool! also that is weird looking bread. Is it really bread? or does it have the bad case of measles? That is an OOOLLLLD tree! woah woah woah woah you and dad have fun now oaky? love you!
whoa, nice tree. Yeah, the kids are doing good, it was tough on the first day Weston was crying cause savanana took the I pad, but right now they are doing good. and i should of asked you where you go for sunday school yesterday cause i didn't know where to go after sacrament meeting, whoops, i just sat in the foyer and read Esther, haha! but releife soceity made me feel welcome, so that's all good.  
they look like israel people! lololoz dad what is that you are drinking? I want to wear their hats. I hope you guys are safe and have fun! Fiora

I hope you are okay mom. This issue with the pizza reminds me of a ninja turtle episode I watched when Mikey had a dream that the pizza got mutated, and was controlling all the people like they were zombies. Also, I like the pictures you guys took-they look awesome! 
      Well, I love you! Bye!

Oct 21
I am having a really hard time with homework and school today. I wish you were here to help me. I want you to scratch my back and tell me its okay. I miss you a lot and I'm really mad that the break is over. I still have two assignments to get done by tomorrow. Its so hard to be motivated when your teachers give you homework over the break and I'm really stressed out. I just want to go to bed. 😞😣😢 I neeeed yooouu. Saturday is taking to long to get here and I'm just wasting time writing this. I need a tissue.... 
Okay I guess I'll just try my best to get everything done. But I miss you guys. Please hurry . Well don't hurry just I WANT TO GO TO BED BUT I CAN'T! I need help! 😫
❤/: Savvy
I did a miranda sings make up tutorial with Aislyn to day and eyeliner is REALLY frustrating to get off! I need you. 😩
❤/: Savvy
So right now it is  11:24 pm and it is really freaking me out because I can't sleep and I have to wake up at 6:00 am tomorrow so that I can shower, get dressed, blow dry my hair, say my morning prayers, eat breakfast, do my make up, pack my bag, double space my report, get my play review signed, get my practice record signed, and walk to school. I am having an anxiety attack. WHY WON'T MY BODY JUST SHUT DOWN AND GO TO SLEEP!?! Mommy. 😫 😤 😖 😴 👿 💤💤💤💤💤 Hope your having fun and I don't mean to make you sad but thres no one else to talk to let alone at 11:33 pm. I so mad. 
12:04 am. Still no luck. Switching locations. Heading to the couch. 😒
❤/: Savvy
I just axidenally woke up Fiora and I'm really worried she won't get back to sleep. The sad thing is that I really enjoyed my lat day of fall break but now it is officially over and I cannot sleep. This is really scary I never tayd up this late on a school night in my entire life and I'm really freaking out! 12:16 am.
❤/: Savvy

hi mom today is the first day of school since fall break. I miss you so much, you have been gone for almost a week. I hope you are having fun. I really like all of your pictures.  Um jordan said that she is having a party this saturday, but aren't we going to be at the halloween party at jesses? Well I love you and hope you have a fun rest of the trip, I apologize for those weiredo foreign doctors. I hope you feel better. thanks mom, it kinda stinks though cause I also missed Norahs party, but I want to go to the family party better. I miss you more than you think. Love you
Oct 22
thanks mom I um.. was going to um, clean my room, bu;t i will do it today don't worry! On monday we went to kneaders instead of saturday, to like celebrate for weston being able to eat sugar and stuff again. It was really good, BUt something weird, my uh, #2 has been really smelly scince last week, and I can't get much out sometimes. well that all sounds really exciting, i want to see that place now. Love you!

Oct 23
So tonight was also really hard because I managed to get the assignments done last night and this morning but I was so way late to school, I stepped into class right when the bell rang. And guess what? My locker is broken AGAIN! Arrg! I accidentally slept through my alarm this morning and woke up at 6:40 instead of six but I HAD to shower so I took a 5 min shower. Very unpleasant. Ate half of breakfast barely double spaced my report on time (first I had to figure out how) and then did the fastest hair drying EVER. Then I forgot my lunch so had to get out of the car and go grab it. Yes I had to pay for a ride even though this was totally an appropriate situation for an excuse. I didn't fall asleep until one. 😩 So guess what you know that report I worked so hard on? Well I didn't have her class today and right after school she was in the LOCKED auditorium for play practice. So I got home and decided to scan it into the computer...
Me and Krystal were sitting there for two hours trying to figure out how to email it. We never did. So now I am having another anxiety attack. I worked so hard on writing that STUPID IDIOT FACE review!!!!!!! 😤😡 I cannot believe this is happening to me. You totally could have helped me scan it in. I never knew how hard school is without you solving my technical difficulties. I am so sorry for ever not showing gratitude toward you. Lunches have been a nightmare because I have two stop my perfect morning routine to help Krystal figure out how to pack them and show her where to put things. I'm really stressed out. I am not ready for this! 
     On a happier note, I ran 20 laps in PE today! MY PERSONAL BEST! And Krystal choreographed a dance to Chandelier that we did. I was way fun. Also I walked home the EXTRA long way because Ami walked to her sisters house which is down by Lindon Ele. Then I walk home from there taking the road by Aislyns house because that's the only way I knew. So don't worry if gotten plenty of exercise and I hate it because I literally have gained the 5 pounds that I've lost BACK  without you here to motivate me! 😤 Its made me feel really self conscious. Well I guess that is all. So I love you guys and hope your having fun. 
❤/: Savvy
Oct 24
that sounds great! I am glad you are coming home soon, but im sorry you will have to leave soon. STRAIGHT A's to get into byu? darn. not even an a-? weston is at piano lessons right now, we will show this to him soon. I love you.
that looks soo fun! I hope otu are okay on your LONGGGGGG airplane ride. you can rest from all of that walking and hiking you did!

Here are some pictures from their photo shoot with Holly in our back yard:

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