Sunday, March 1, 2015

Colorado Open Gym Meet

Weston's gym meet this weekend was in Colorado Springs at the Olympic training center. We drove down Friday with Jessica and Kasen Tayor which worked out great. Kasen has been on Westons gym team for the past 2 years so it was fun to get to know him and his mom better. We stayed at the Best Western and had dinner at Chili's, and the boys had the indoor pool all to themselves for a good hour that evening. Weston is the blue shorts.

The facility was amazing! There were double the gym equipment and double the judges, so they got all 80 gymnasts through all 6 events in less time than it takes a Utah gym meet to do half the amount of athletes. There was nice stadium seating too. Unfortunately, Weston came down with a head ache, sore throat and fever the night before the meet, and didn't feel well at all that morning, bummer! I gave him some Advil and we said a prayer and went to the meet anyway, he did his best, but it broke my heart to know he was sick and at a disadvantage during such a big meet. His goal was 60 overall points, he lowered it from his previous meets because there has been inconsistent practices the past two weeks (only 1 practice on a Tuesday!) and out-of-state judges are generally tougher.  Amazingly, even being sick, he managed to pull out a 59.8 overall score! SOOO close to his goal and I'm so proud of him pushing through the pain and learning a life lesson of perseverance.

All the boys underperformed at this meet for one reason or another, Coach Blake was bummed, but the level 6's still managed to get 3rd place overall!  Weston's events can be viewed here.

Wes was still sick all the way home, I hope Jessica and Kasen don't catch it after being stuck in the car with him for 18 hours and in a hotel room with him all night, but nothing could be done. The Lord was with me driving there and driving home on very little sleep, we traveled safe, I didn't get a headache and my stomach behaved, and the Lord was with Weston during his meet, so I'm praying the Lord protected the Taylors from the illness. Still a really neat experience.

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