Friday, February 24, 2017

January 2017

Let's see if I can remember January. The first few photos were actually During winter break, Dec 26-Jan 2.

We went sledding over Christmas break, this was a fun time at timberlakes and we got to see Jared's cabin  which is coming along.

Watched these cuties while Jesse and Kelsy went on an anniversary date.
Silly Knightly and sweet Bourne
Used some Christmas gift cars to go see MOANA in nice theaters. Great movie.

Collecting Eggs in winter is a hassle, and often the eggs freeze and crack. Only getting 2 eggs every other day is discouraging enough, and when you can't use them because they are frozen or broken is even more maddening, I actually had to buy eggs twice this winter.

Group dinner date to Pho Noodles on New Year's eve was fun.

Gym meet season begins, this is Savanna at the USA gym world meet 1/7/17.

This was the worst meet for me becuase we had to drive an hour in a snow storm and it was late and we didn't get home til midnight; but in hindsight it was the best meet for Weston, he got his highest overall score of the season so far at this meet.

He is so strong and works so hard, I love to watch him compete.

I've been working on some sports psychology with weston to help him with his anxiety during events, I think it might have messed with his head  little too much trying to switch his brain from "motivation in ego oriented performance mindset" to "task oriented growth mindset," but if he can train his brain to be positive instead of negative during performance it will be worth it and he will be unstoppable in the future.

Gym World Soft meet: Floor 11.9, Pommel 12.0, Rings 11.8, Vault 11.4, Pbars 11.7, High bar 12.9, overall 71.7 3rd place

1st place on High bar

Family birthday party for Lucy Carpenter and white elephant gift exchange, fun times.

Weston getting some scout rank advancements and merit badges. Jared sees to it he makes time for scouts amid all the gymnastics business.
My niece Suzette at age 5 months is so cute.
Weston's other meet scores in January:

AAG invitation 1/14/17
Floor 12.4, 4th
Pommel 12.2, 2nd
Rings 12.4, 3rd
Vault 11.7, 2nd
Pbars 10.5, 7th
Hibar 12.3, 3rd
71.5 overall, 3rd place all around

Airtime Frosty Meet 1/28/17
Floor 12.0, 3rd
Pommel 11.7
Rings 11.0
Vault 11.4, 2nd
Pbars 11.9 2nd
Hibar 12.7 1st
70.7 overall, 3rd place all around

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

Way to go Weston! With those scores, it doesn't look like he is having lots of anxiety during the meets!

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...