Monday, April 17, 2017

March 2017

And here it finally is, March. The first half of April has been so crazy busy, its funny how something like this can get put on the back burner when there are so many other fires to put out. Better late than never, even though its old news now.

 March 1st we got Sky groomed and he looked like a skinny anorexic doggy. What a bushy coat he has, already he is getting too furry and hot again.

Savanna and Jared decided to cut back on carbs, like all the way back, they only had protein and fruit/veggies for all of March. They had a couple cheat days, like when Jared went down to Las Vegas for a property manager conference and was invited to a family style italian restaurant, but mostly they did it, with my help. We all enjoyed lots of carb free meals for a month.

Jared took me to a Elton John concert of all things. His client had given him tickets, so we went, and it loud and we couldn't understand the words, and Elton is so old. But hey I went to SLC to see a concert! The next day I had to listen to all his original songs just to remind myself that I like his songs.

 We got to go to lunch with Justin and Kali for Jusin's birthday at the red lobster! It was a fun night of visiting and I loved it. Paying back justin for the beautiful work of art he gave me in January.

Sav had a region solo on her violin and I got to play the piano for her. Once we got the hang of the song it was fun and exiting to play together. She did a great job.
 We got to celebrate Karli Sue's birthday up in Tooele at her new home. Holly took this cute picture of Suzette while we were there. Holly also took some cut pics the next weekend of my kids which I absolutely love!
Savanna had a spring choir concert. Her friends Joy and Vincent came to support her. Vincent has been hanging around our home quite a lot lately, Savanna insists he is only in the friend zone, they just get along really well. Also Vincent likes my food so I like him to eat it.

Met Jared for a night at Malawi's for dinner one weekend. Justin Schuaers met us there with his kids. Can't remember the occassion, I think we all just wanted to get out and do something.

Jared cuddling with his best friend Sky. And Savanna driving with a couple of her goofy friends, the one in the red glasses is named McKay.

Savanna asked her friend James to MORP. He plays soccer, and apparently these cups and the word SOLO have something to do with soccer, but I don't know what. It was cute at any rate how she asked him. You'll have to wait til April's post to hear about the actual date.

Fiora has been amazingly determined to be on the school track team this year. Although her practices and meets are in the afternoon when I'm working she was made the effort to go run laps and get to track practice even if she has to walk there and back, and Jared has been able to see her run the 200 and 100 meter races, and do some shot put. She got 2nd in both heats, and is getting better. She also ran for student council Activities committee but didn't make it. Politics! She would have been great.

Savanna driving us home from Eagle Mountain. She is getting much better at driving. Weston let me take some pictures of him going to his Missionary Month dinner, and my neighbor who hosted it sent some cute pictures too. He fake served a mission to India and they served him some Indian Na'an and rice. He liked it.

Savanna, Fiora, and weston came with me to watch over grandma this month. They were a big help with Holly's kids doing a photo shoot too. Weston helped me watch Bourne and Knightly while Jesse and Kelsy went on a date. We just love when those two boys come over!

My sister Rachel got her mission call! She has been called to serve in the Frankfurt Germany mission, and leaves July 12th. We will miss her but are so excited for this next adventure in her life. We love you Rachel!

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January 2025

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