Tuesday, February 5, 2019

January 2019

I saw a meme that said "January was the longest year of my life!" That's about how I felt with January. Three head colds for me, everyone else had one at least, a stomach bug, Savanna's play, Weston's 3 gym meets and his shoulder injury, two migraines, getting Fiora to her job cuz she can't drive yet, 20 hot flashes a week, and a heavy client load. Lots of cold and dark of course, and my red car broke down and cost $750 to repair, and we bought a fourth vehicle for Fiora to drive when she gets her license which set us back a bit. The whole month started with me spilling red wax on Jared's new carpet in the mountain home! :( I thought that might be a bad omen.
Gotta take the bad with the good. And there has been a lot of good too. I watched over Heidi's kids for her while she took an anniversary trip, love those little people! And her older kids are delightful too. Heidi gave me a nice gift and letter after which I really loved. I loaded up Heidi's kids while they were gone and we all took a trek to Salt Lake to see my sister Rachel return from her mission to Germany. It was wonderful to greet Rachel home! Savanna and Kynsie made her posters.

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 Weston started out the gym meet season with a hurt shoulder. We took him to a sports medicine doctor and he said it was a pulled rotater cuff and needed to be rested. Hard to do during meet season! For the first couple meets he tried competing in 4 events, but it was making the rotater cuff muscle hurt more so he is down to just competing floor and vault. He led the warm ups in Woods Cross for the gym world meet. Grandma and grandpa Barrett came to the AAG invitational which was delightful for me. We went to Chili's after to use some bonus cards.
Lillian's 12 birthday was January 15th, Jared and I took a run around the soccer field next to the cemetery and then visited her grave. Mom and Dad took us out to eat at Maria Bonita's that evening as a birthday celebration for Jared and Lillian.

 Savanna participated in the Liahona production of Barnum and did a wonderful job. Tons of work goes into those plays! Savanna worked hard and got sick the day after and was out of health for a week trying to recover.
Weston was invited to participate in the Jr High Honors choir in the Region and be directed by Andrew Crane at the Salt Lake Tabernacle. He had a great experience and the choir sounded amazing for that age of kids! I was moved to tears and grateful he had time to do that. We also had time to squeeze in a musical number with my siblings for Rachel's talk in church after she got back. Weston and Rachel sang in German "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" for the first verse and sounded wonderful, and I played piano and the rest of the family sang the other verses. We enjoyed a nice lunch all together at my parents house afterwards.
 Also Savanna was able to sing "Come Unto Christ" in our church the next week for a musical number and sounded amazing! I was grateful to be able to play for her to do that.

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...