Saturday, March 2, 2019

February 2019

First epic February event: Weston and I went to Houston for a gym meet at the NRG center. We traveled with Maddi and Jackson Merrill from the team to save on costs. Weston only competed two events due to his shoulder injury. We had a nice time hanging out with the team after--Texas bbq and swimming.
What made the whole trip worth it was I got to visit my aunt Betty Ann and uncle Steve, and bonus my cousins Rachelle and Tiare were there the same weekend for a 15K. They took me to lunch, fed me dinner, and let me stay the night in their nice quiet house. Tiare's baby Eva was so cute. Weston went to the NASA space center with the Merrills while I was with the Curtis'.

Jared up at the mountain home while I was away

at the space center

Second epic event: Weston's youth group got to see a Dave Rose show live. He thought that was pretty cool.

Third epic event: Fiora turned 16 on Feb 13th! We had a busy day that day, but showered her with gifts and love for breakfast, and had my parents over the next day for a bday dinner. She had a delay in getting her roading done so she didn't get her license til almost two weeks later. She got her eyelashes done and a polaroid camera for her birthday, plus use of our toyota 4runner.

Fiora and Savanna got roses, they looked pretty on Vday

Fourth epic event: we took a trip down to Last Vegas for another gym meet! We got to stay with Sandra and Jarrett Seegmiller which ended up being a blast. They were great hosts and slated their presidents day weekend to tour around the city with us. We mostly did the free stuff, except the Hoover dam, we paid for that tour and waited an hour in the cold to get in, but it was awesome. Fun family time. Also Weston did the best job yet on his floor routine, with a 12.8 and got 3rd place.

The whole crew

Not as epic but still cool things in Feb:

  • On our way home from vegas we stopped by St. George to check on the sand hollow house and visit Jared's other nephew Reed and his fiance Hannah. We had chick fil a and a nice chat. 
  • With weston going to gym less because of his shoulder, he has had time to go skiing with Jared and the young men twice this month and really liked it. 
  • I took my sister Holly to lunch and to the temple, we were supposed to go to the Colorado open gym meet tpgether, but there was a huge storm, not worth driving for 8 plus hours for weston to compete two events. We had a fun afternoon instead. 
  • Jared got sick with a bad flu while covering for Justin out of town, but the angels must have been helping him because he recovered quickly and didn't miss any appointments.
  • Much of my spare time was spent helping my mom watch Kaizlee and Kat for my sister Krystal who had knee surgery, or grandma sitting.  
  • I managed to make time to get that license for fiora, which ended up being desperately good timing as I needed her help getting Wes and herself around that week. 
  • I also attended to Jared's niece Lacey's baby shower, and got some ministering visits in there! 
  • Savanna and Fiora both got asked to prom
  • Also the dog got a much needed grooming

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January 2025

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