Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Just like Steve

This week I had to delve into the stocking stuffers I've been collecting for one of the rare moments I bribe my kids. Weston's monthly haircut. I bought a two dollar notebook at Wal-mart and covered it in green paper and drew a red thinking chair on it and saved it to put in Weston's stocking. I told Weston I'd give him a notebook "just like Steve" if he let me cut his hair. He sat still, without complaining, and took a bath. I was hoping he'd forget the bribe so I could use it as a stocking stuffer after all, but he cashed in: "where's my notebook mommy?" I've never seen a kid more thrilled by a two-buck notebook, or any toy for that matter, than Weston was! He said, "Its Just like Steve!" over and over and ran around chanting, "we need our handy dandy... notebook! notebook, eee." (The eee is for the bell sound effect on the show.) He never put it down and even went to bed with it and woke up in the middle of the night crying, "I need my notebook!" I have to hand it to myself, even the girls were impressed with the art work. (I stopped and rewound an episode of Blues Clues at the notebook scene over and over to get it right.)


Cami said...

Nice job. I've drawn a thinking chair or two on notebooks myself in my time. What is it about that?? What a cute boy that Weston is.

Breanne said...

I saw him at church with the notebook! It is way cute, and you did a great job. I will have to remember that idea when Mara is older

Natalie said...

LOVE it! Case in point-who needs expensive toys. and the chair did look pretty awesome. Speaking of haircuts, Carston is long overdue for a bribe.

Anonymous said...

Yea! I finally got on! I love that Weston. You are a cute mom to know exactly what makes that little boy happy.

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