Monday, November 26, 2007

Seven Stitches

Weston was introduced to the ER this Thanksgiving weekend. Wednesday night he tried to get down from his barstool by walking from the barstool to a chair, lost his balance and fell on the tile and the barstool also fell, right on his head. He had a pretty deep slit right above and between his eyebrows. We were thankfully right in the middle of celebrating my brother Jesse's 24th birthday so there were plenty of babysitters around while Jared and I took Weston in, he was pretty tired so it was hard for him to be brave, but at least he stayed on the operating bed. We flet pretty bad for him.

The next day he was back to his happy self, and he took the steri-strips off first thing in the morning. I think that shocked me worse than the stitching. I bandaged him up the best I could and prayed it would be alright, I did not want to go back to the ER on Thanksgiving. He gets them out tomorrow and the wound looks really good.

Thanksgiving was nice and relaxing. We ate at my parents home and played Guitar Hero rock band most of the day. We certainly are humbly thankful for our many blessings the Lord has blessed us with this year--food in abundance, a nice home with a finished basement, healthy, happy, children, a loving family, Jared's thriving business, my very part-time job at the LDS Distribution center, and wonderful kind friends and neighbors, and and exalted daughter who we feel with us in spirit and has taught us so much.


Sara said...

Poor Weston. My nephew had to get stitches in the same place years ago and now has what we like to call a "Harry Potter" scar. It's his badge of honor.

Cami said...

So, how did you do on those drums? I tried them the other day--I was not so good the first time.

Oh, poor Weston!! That is very sad. Will he have a cool scar?

The Thanksgiving food looks great!

Natalie said...

Heather is a drummer?

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...