Monday, December 3, 2007

FHE and Trees

Weston's head has managed to remain unopened this week. He's pretty careful with it, except the time he was pulling the sound box out of the rocking horse's belly and it smacked into his head like a sling-shot. We told Fiora to put the guts back into the horse as we comforted Weston and she said, "Oh yeah, I can do that. I'm seriously brave." Meanwhile we were waiting for Savanna to finish up the lesson she volunteered to prepare for Family Home Evening, Jared kept lovingly encouraging her to hurry it up, "Don't rush me Dad. This is going to be a great lesson. I'm just putting the finishing touches on it!" She had a lesson complete with activity on the Nativity. We were impressed! The best part was the musical ending, the kids took turns singing us a song. Fiora sang "the North Star" and Weston sang "I am a Child of God" and Savanna sang Christmas song she learned at school. Then we ended with Fiora saying the Family prayer and mocking Weston's prayer method by blessing every tiny object in the room and Savanna defending Weston's honor by smacking her while she prayed.
We went to the Festival of Trees on Saturday and saw an exquisitely beautiful tree that our ward made. Underneath the tree was a picture of Lillian and Sophia Mousques, the other baby in our ward born with Downs Syndrome and a heart defect. A lady standing by the tree asked us if we wanted to hear the story behind it. We said, "That's our daughter." She was so thrilled to see us and said so many people have been touched by Lillian's story. That brought tears to my eyes! I'm very grateful to the ward for creating that tree and allowing Lillian to touch others once again. We were also impressed with the tree Heidi Weight made in Lillian's honor, that was a surprise to me! It was covered with little angels and again Lillian's picture underneath. Thank you Heidi for your time and talents put into that tree, we loved it! We took pictures of the trees but are having technical difficulties downloading them, so I'll post them tomorrow.


Maria Olson said...

Wow! It's amazing that Savanna does her own lessons without any help. She's growing up. I look forward to seeing the trees. Lillian has touched a lot of lives. What a special girl.

Stacy said...

The trees are so beautiful. What a awesome tribute to little sweet Lilli.

Sara said...

How sweet about the trees. They are beautiful and the pictures of Lillian just added to the beauty.

Breanne said...

That little tree is so cute! I didn't see that one :( Our ward did a great job, didn't they?

Cami said...

Well, you really know how to pack things into a post. First head injuries, then FHE lessons, then smacking during prayers, than touching christmas tree stories . . .

So my friend here had her 3-year old cut his head open in the exact same place this week! He picked out the stitches.

Savannah and Fiora are cracking me up, as is your commentary.

How wonderful to have that tree! It's so cute. I miss the ole festival of trees. I guess we have a mini-festival in our temple's visitors center (there's one there now with a picture of our fam on it) but they're usually don't have a story behind them. I'm glad Lillian was featured.

Oh, and I got your Christmas card--it's darling!

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...