Friday, December 28, 2007

Great Christmas

What a great great Christmas!

It was your basic fun Christmas Eve dinner celebration and then open presents on Christmas morning. Savanna was a bit anxious to get the presents opened and then kept asking "what else?" (I think she got a little too many "how many days til Christmas Savanna?" asked of her, something bigger and better MUST be around the corner!) I on the other hand was expecting nothing and was thrilled all day because Jared got me my very own MP3 player! And lots of smelly sprays and perfumes, yum. Jared and I agreed the best part of Christmas was sitting down and watching "The Nativity" as a family. We feel very blessed this year and are grateful for our family and our Savior.

1 comment:

Cami said...

Looks like a fun Christmas and the kids got loaded! I over used the "how many days til Christmas" card too! How many times did I threaten to take away presents??? In the end, Jeffy actually did think he would have gotten more if he had been nicer.

January 2025

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