Monday, March 24, 2008


Weston has some definite androgen differences from his sisters. One is his love for superhero movies (especially Spiderman and Superman), action figures, and his batman pajamas. Jared and I have tried for four weeks to get him to take off his batman pajamas, and if we succeed, it is only while we are out, as soon as we get home the pajamas are back on. "Its taking my cape off" is what he says to tell us his cape is slipping from the velcro that attaches it to his back. On Sundays, it is particularly difficult to get him in his church clothes. One Sunday Jared had the brilliant idea of putting his church clothes over his pajamas and telling him it was just like "Superman's secret identity." This worked great until he kept unbottoning his shirt and revealing his batman logo in Sunday school class. His teacher told him not to show anyone his supersuit, and he was continually complaining of being hot but refused to take off the supersuit underneath then or the following 4 weeks of church that followed.

His most recent favorite action movie is "The Three Amigos" (if you can call them superheros) and he quickly picked up the theme song and the the Three Amigo "sign" of crosing arms across the chest, then on the hips, and strangely coughing. I bet he would love a sombraro too.


runningfan said...

Tyler LOVES his Batman pajamas, too, but he's not quite as attached as Weston! Having him wear his supersuit under church clothes is hysterical! Great idea!

Cami said...

That is so funny! Yes, I tried putting toys in the kids pockets to keep them happy, but boy do those cars come out quick! Argh. Good luck with your little superhero.

Breanne said...

I love The Three Amigos!!! And those jammies are awesome!

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...