Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Friend

Savanna had a photo shoot with LDS studios last year for her picture to be in an article in the Friend Magazine. I had no idea when it would appear, so I subscribed to the magazine and looked through every month wondering if the 3 1/2 hour studio experience was fruitful. Today I got April's Friend in the mail and on page 11 there she was! My beautiful Savanna. She was very excited to see her picture there. How fun! If you don't get the Friend, her picture was to illustrate a story of a girl who woke up scared in the night and heard her mom singing and felt better. You can read the story on line here: And here is the cute picture!


Stacy said...

That is so awesome Heather. She looks so peaceful. It's crazy that Nelson, Claudia and Alessa were in the past 2 Ensigns and now Savanna is in the Friend. How fun! Our ward is famous!

Amber said...

That is so cool! I actually just read that story to Maya and didn't realize the picture was of Savanna! I'm going to go take another look....

Maria Olson said...

How exciting! She looks beautiful. My kids are so excited that they actually know someone in The Friend.

Cami said...

cute! Man, our subscription just ran out and we haven't renewed! Argh.

Emily N. said...

That is awesome! How fun for Savanna! My sister Jessica recently got a story accepted that should print in the Friend some time in the next year. Fun times!

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...