Monday, November 3, 2008

7 strange things

I have a friend who went to high school with me who I haven't seen in a LONG time because she lives in Illinois! Her name is Amber. She posted a tag of "7 strange things" about herself on her blog and the whole time I was reading it I was thinking "That is me!!!" (except for the double jointed part) and then she coincidentally tagged me at the end. I really love blogging for the very reason that I get to keep up with friends I never see. So here's to Amber, 7 strange things...

1. I do not like shopping for myself. I love to shop for other people, (quickly), but most of my clothes and shoes are gifts or second-hand items because I can't stand shopping. Frustrating.

2. I dislike television shows. (Sorry Cami!) I do not enjoy them one bit. I just criticize the heck out of almost every TV show made with the exception of "the Office" and even that is lame sometimes.

3. I have no patience for primping. I only wear make-up for Jared's sake so he can feel like he his wife is not a hag.

4. I never kissed a boy until college, and Jared's was #2 boy ever I kissed.

5. I like giving talks and lessons.

6. I look forward to the day I die, I affectionately call it "graduation day."

7. I had one miscarriage, one c-section, two natural biths, and one epidural. All encompassing birthing experiences.

I tag Stacy H and Shelene W


Anonymous said...

Oh, I love your strange things. I hate primping too. We ARE kindred spirits.

Cami said...

YAY! I forgot to do it. I'll do it today.

So, for heaven's sake, _I_ don't care if you hate TV!! I actually make fun of most of it too. Nothing good on right now--oh, except, you SHOULD watch Pushing Daisies, because I think you'd love it.

You are cute. I miss you a lot.

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...