Friday, November 14, 2008


Being in school for nearly 3 months makes one grateful. With not a lot of time for anything but kids and studies I feel grateful for friends and family who I miss associating with. Justin and Shawna Schauers came by Saturday night and played games with us, I was nearly in tears for the joy of socializing. I'm grateful for Sunday dinners with my parents out in Eagle Shmountain. I'm grateful for email, I am better at email that other methods for keeping in touch with people. My parents and siblings were in Orem Monday and stopped by here for a little FHE. I loved it! I love them. My sister Kynsie just got her braces off, we took a picture of all of us once "brace face" girls. (My poor parents, all 7 girls will probably end up with braces Rachel's next...) So this picture represents 12000 dollars worth of dental work.

I'm grateful for my kids' health. I just heard that my cousin Angela's oldest boy has Type I diabetes, he is only 3. My heart broke when I heard that. Although we went through a tough struggle with Lillian, our other three children are so healthy and bright. We are so grateful. I am also GrATEFUL for Jared! He is also mightly healthy, but also mighty good. Last night he had a conflict and couldn't watch the kids after work so I could go to class. I called nearly everyone I could think of, including my mom (just to vent because I knew she couldn't)and was driven to tears trying to find a way to get to class. Thankfully Lacey and Lyndi Weight offered to watch them extremely last minute. So I rushed them up there and rushed me to campus and sat in a classroom for 30 minutes with 45 other students and our professor was a no-show. Some emergency or something...sure wish I could see into the future in those instances. Instead of being mad at Jared I was actually very grateful because of all the times he IS there and DOES come home after work to make it possible for me to do my evening classes.

So now that I've been mushy and boring here is a couple photos to put a smile on your face. Hanna Montana came to visit:


Stacy said...

Isn't life grand? Fiora is a cute hannah montana. Glad that school is getting close to the end for this semester. Hang in there.

Johnsons said...

Fiora does look very cute! You have the best attitude. Thankyou for that sweet post. It is always good to think of the many things that we have to be grateful for, especially right around Thanksgiving. I need to follow your example and look more for the positive in the stressful situations. The blessings are always there, I just need to look.

Maria Olson said...

What a great post. It's a wonderful thing when one can be grateful. You can always call me if/when you need someone to watch the kids. I know it's quite out of the way, but seriously if you are ever in a bind, call me.

Cami said...

HA!! Oh, Hannah. What a darling.

Good health, yes. My boys are coughing up a storm for months on end, but my little poopsie just keeps on being just fine. (knock on wood.) It sure makes things easier when people are healthy.

Thank you for this lovely post. I can't wait to see your kiddies again! I'll bring Janey to meet them in February.

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...