6:30 AM enter Weston, climbing in Heather and Jared's bed. After 15 minutes of squirming he requests pancakes. Heather tells him its too early and go downstairs and watch something.
7:00 Girls alarm clock goes off. Savanna's feet hit the floor and she turns it off, Heather hears a banter "Why did you set the alarm?" "I didn't do it!" "Yes you did!" and a few slaps. Enter Fiora telling Heather Savanna hit her. She climbs in the bed. Enter Savanna, Heather asks her why the alarm went off. "Fiora set it!" "No I didn't!" Heather tells them to go downstairs.
7:30 Enter Weston crying, "Savanna touched my foot!" Heather rolls out of bed. Heather makes pancakes.
8:00 Eating pancakes, cleaning the kitchen, getting dressed
8:30 Jared gets up and asks when I am exercising because he has a lot to do. Good thing he didn't ask me what time it was because I would have to reply, "Time for everything but me."
9:00 Heather exits house of chaos to go exercise, kids try to get ready for program rehearsal at 10:00 Sunday best by themselves.
9:45 Heather returns and practices a musical nubmer with Jesse and Kelsy and gets the kids out the door takes a shower and runs to the rehearsal, Jared leaves for work (yes on a Saturday)
10:30 Heather finds out they aren't doing the song she is playing today, she goes home
11:00 Some silence, should Heather go back to bed? read? clean? She sits on the couch in a daze and does none of the above
11:30 Kids come home and want lunch. Heather takes the kids to Little Ceasars and gets a $5 pizza
11:45 Weston insists on holding the pizza and drops it in the garage on his way out of the car
12:00 Heather serves dirt covered pizza to kids whilst Weston cries "It was an accident!"
12:30 Heather climbs under the covers and wimpers, defeated. Kids run amok
1:00 Jared comes home. He assesses the situation and takes the kids to Macey's for food fun and Santa claus.
2:00 Heather emerges, makes two pies for the Ward activity that evening
3:00 Jared returns with food and kids, Jared put away groceries, Heather sulks that he brought home more work for her, and the kids watch Mr. Megorium
3:30 Heather has a melt down, Jared turns therapist and tries to talk me through it,("Are you mad because I slept in?) Weston breaks an ornament (why do they play with those?), Heather is sorry and thanks Jared for the nice food
4:00 Jared naps, Heather practices "Chocolate in my Stocking" with Savanna for the Ward activity
5:00 Everyone getting ready to go, fight with Sav about her hair, appease Fiora who didn't get a "shirt like Savanna's"
6:00 Ward Christmas dinner, mom and dad Barrett come with to see Savanna perform
7:00 Savanna does a flawless performance, although stone statue still, for over 200 people!
7:30 Santa Claus comes to the party, kids sit on his lap. Fiora asks for my little ponies, Savanna asks for a Scooter, and Weston asks for a candy cane. Weston got his wish.
8:00 come home put kids to bed and Jared and Heather sit by the Christmas tree and relax. Whew!
Heather, sounds like my day, except Harrison crawls into bed at 5 instead of 6:30.... I hear ya!!!
Love the realism. We can relate at this house!
Oh gosh, what a day! Sadly I have similar days too.
heather seriously you should write a book! i always read your poost even when they are long because i know they will be entertaining and tell a good story. and how i can ALWAYS relate!
We all have days like that. Mine was today :)
I loved Savanna's song, she did a great job!
Haha, isn't life fun??
I think it's hilarious that when we finally get a spare moment we just sit in a daze and do nothing! I do that too.
Sounds pretty much like a typical day in our house, too. I'm going to have McKay read your post when he gets home...I think it will make him feel better about our kids not being the only ones who aren't angels all the time :)
Ok, so I had to laugh about the retreating under covers to whimper. Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I empathize with you friend.
Thanks for admitting the breakdown...it's nice to know I am not the only one who has those! We sure do love you guys!
So much like my days, except I think we got you beat by the screaming and hitting episodes. Just reading your words makes me feel like someone out there knows my pain! I love Fabelhaven too and can't wait to read #3. It is no wonder why Weston loves PBJs with that yummy looking homemade strawberry jam!
Heather, you're hysterical. You should be a writer. It sounds like an Erma Bombeck column. That could easily be one of my days. You make it all better by seeing the humor in it--a day or two later?
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