Thursday, June 24, 2010

Fathers day poems

This is Jared holding our niece Sophie, Holly's little girl.

The kids wrote nice cards to their dad and Grandpa Barrett for fathers day.
Savanna wrote:
Roses are red, violets are blue
I am funny I got that from you
Weston wrote
Roses are red, violets are blue
I want want to be wonderful just like you
Fiora wrote:
Dear grandpa, you tease me but I don't tease you, anyway tease me today, love Fiora

We celebrated Father's day on Saturday with the Schauers and Sunday with the Barretts. My dad was really sick and couldn't eat any of the food we had so painstakingly prepared, but he was a good sport and socialized with us all anyway. Father's day also happened to my now 10 year old brother Joseph's birthday, so we had a cake and icecream party for him too.

Otherwise things are going as normal around here. Normal for us anyway. The kids spent some time at the Carpenters last Friday wehn I was at my internship, Karli had gone to Arizona so I drove them clean out the Eagle Mountain before my commute. Karli got sick there too, but luckily recovered enough to report for duty on Monday morning. I continue to spend 9 hours of my day traveling to the Sandy LDS FS agency and working on adoption stuff while my family parties without me. They sell snow cones, go to the library, picnic in the park, play with friends, watch movies, and today they went swimming at uncle Justin's pool after their Snow cousins took them to four different schools for free pizza. I got them their own library cards and signed them up for a reading program there because I'm a little worried they are partying too much of the time and have slacked off on their reading. I arragned to have Savanna start violin lessons monday, a friend of mine offered to let her borrow a violin for a few months to see if its somthing she will like, so we don't have to invest in a very expensive instrument just to have her quit. So we will have a trial period and see how she does. Since she refuses to play the piano I am trying other options.

1 comment:

Cami said...

Fun! I hope Savanna likes violin! (She refuses to play piano?)

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