Sunday, July 17, 2011

Update on Heather

Its been an up and down week for me, but a huge blessing came my way, and with a little background I'll give my update.

Back in the middle of May as I was recovering from school and trying to find a job, I started getting random dizzy spells. I thought it was just a virus or maybe I was overworked (after I graduated I was on fire and did a lot of service for family and neighbors and did not do a lot of rest). After a week and still having dizzy spells, I also noticed my head was throbbing constantly. At this time I was searching for a job and applying for every part time social work position I could find so I could keep up my skills and start acruing my LCSW hours. Unfortunately there were not many people hiring and if they were, it was in Salt Lake or in an area I had no experience with. I was starting to feel discouraged because of my inability to find work and my failing health. I also started feeling a lack of energy, heart racings and palpitations, and a strange sensation that I was walking through water. The first week of June I went to the doctor because I was sure I had some sort of blood sugar problem. I got all my blood work done and everything, but my blood sugar level, thyroid, anemia, etc. checked out normal. My doctor seemed to think my dizzy spells were related to my heart, so he had me wear a heart holster and record symptoms. I waited a week for results, always searching and applying for jobs, but wondering if maybe I should hold off on job hunting until I figured out what was going on. The results came back average, except that my heart rate dropped at times and the doctor wondered if it was getting enough oxygen. He referred me to a cardiologist, but the soonest I could get in was July 11th. About this time we found out the loan was approved on our new house and we would be closing and moving around June 15th. I was so happy about the house, but worried about how I was going to do all the work required to move while not feeling well. Another symptom of this weird illness is an inability to think straight, which also made me nervous about actually getting a job. I kept working and hunting and tried to ignore how physically miserable I felt. My sister Heidi introduced me to a "raw food" diet that supposedly cured the very symptoms I was experiencing and she talked me into trying to eat spinach smoothies and more raw foods. I decided anything was worth trying to get rid of my chronic fatigue and headaches, so instead of just elimnitating foods I just started adding new foods to my diet. After about 4 days I noticed my headaches were disappearing. So I added more raw foods and this forced me to push out other foods from my diet. One day I actually had energy and no headache at all, and the dizzy spells were gone. That did it. I checked out "the PH miracle" from the library read it cover to cover and completely transformed my diet to more alkaline foods, no dairy, sugar, meat or bread, and even light on the fruit. My symptoms came back when I didn't get enough sleep or if I was overworked, but I was doing much better. I even applied for what would be the perfect job for me, working as a therapist for an LCSW in private practice part time in Lindon. But I was one of several highly qualified applicants (it was like a MSW class reunion at the interview) and so I had little hope of getting the position, especially since I can't think straight and was very nervous during the interview. That interview happened about a week after I started the new diet and I was getting tired of vegetables, I was having adverse side effects from the diet change, and I was really tired again. But it was time for my cardiology appointment, maybe I would get some idea of what is going on. Results: my heart was perfect from every angle! That was relieving and discouraging at the same time. Was my illness all in my head? The next step would be to see a neurologist but why? and why was I limiting my intake so much if nothing was really wrong with me! I had a pity party that night. Well, the next day I determined to keep going so I had my green shake and did my chores and ran my kids here and there, and I was on my way to take dinner to my Grandma when I got the call from Kevin Downs, LCSW. . . "we'd like to offer you the position!" I was overjoyed! I wanted to kneel on the pavement and thank the Lord. Its more than I could ever have hoped for, three minutes from my house and working with families, couples, and individuals. The hunt was over and a dream was achieved. I start on August 1st and already have a week of clients scheduled. What a blessing! I had a permanent smile all day. So now I am more resolved than ever to keep myself healthy and refresh myself on my therapy skills and serve and work and LIVE!

So that is my news, I am finally employed doing what I love, but at a place that is close and hours that are minimal so it won't interfere with my motherly priorities. The next morning I went running along the canal and it started raining, and I thought of this hymn:

God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform; He plants his footsteps in the sea and rides upon the storm. Ye fearful Saints fresh courage take; the clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy and shall break in blessings on your head. His purposes will ripen fast Unfolding every hour; the bud may have a bitter tast, but sweet will be the flower.


Heidi said...

Congratulations on the new job! I hope you continue to feel better.

Amy said...

Yay for your new job!! I am very excited for you. Hope that your health continues to improve. Wish they could pinpoint what the cause is.

Robin said...

Yay!~ will hope and pray that things continue to come together for you...;)

Natalie said...

That is awesome Heather! You will be such a wonderful've always been great for me :) I hope you feel better!

Andrea said...

Congrats on your new job. It's frustrating to have health issues and not know the cause but I hope you feel better. I need to come see you since you are so close!

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