Friday, June 1, 2012

Goings on

At the BYU play
Grandma and me went to a play again, Arabian Nights, it was very well done!  And TODAY is my Grandma's 91st birthday, WOW!  Happy Birthday Grandma, love you lots!

My birthday was the 26th, we went to Carrabbas and enjoyed much yummy food. My parents gave me a nice professional looking shirt, its a good thing mom shops for me cuz I never shop for myself. I got many other wonderful gifts and well wishes from my family.  They bring me much joy! My sister Krystal drew a picture of Lillian and framed it, I loved that!
Memorial Day
On Memorial Day we visited Grandpa Neil and Bonnie in Gunnison, which was a lovely visit, and had graduation dinners for the Schauers graduates that evening, so I didn't get to the cemetery until Tuesday.  I put mini roses on all my loved ones graves, and someone had put some really pretty red flowers on Lillian's grave. Whoever did that thankyou! They looked so beautiful.
Fiora's ears pierced
Fiora got her ears pierced last weekend and is taking very good care of them.  She paid for it with her own money.
Savanna got sick on my birthday with a fever and was miserable for a few days.  She started a chain reaction, Fiora got sick and missed pool party day at school, and then Weston got sick and missed the last day of school.  Poor sick kids!

Weston is being baptized on June 30th at 9:00 am at our church in Lindon.  If you would like to join us please do! We will have a brunch in our back yard afterwards to celebrate.

My father in law found a floor board in a house my great grandfather built that said Floyd Sorenson.  His name was Lloyd Sorenson, but we believe it was misprinted on a shipping order and belonged to Lloyd, who built the home in 1916.  Pretty cool find!
Trophies for all who participated

Fiora clogging concert
 Fiora had her end of the year clogging concert in the park and did very well. I love watching cloggers!

The kids all were well enough to participate in the Dance Festival at school thankfully, and I enjoyed watching them "break the moves" to their songs. I can't believe summer is here already!!!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Oh...I am sorry Sav stayed sick! Trev was better the next day! Thanks for the medicine. Glad all is better!

January 2025

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