Saturday, June 9, 2012

Summer Fun

Jared and I decided this summer we were going to transform the hole where the tree fell down last summer in our backyard into a fire pit, and Jared worked on it for two Saturdays and finished last weekend. It turned out great.  We had a breaking in party the first night with Jesse and Kelsy, I demonstrated how I make my whole wheat bread, then we had dinner and roasted smores over the firepit.  It was a beautiful evening.

Today is my sister Krystal's birthday.  Wednesday was my sister Kynsie's birthday. We start off birthday season with Savanna on the 17th of May and end it with my dad on the 9th of July, there is a whole slew of Barrett Birthdays being celebrated in between.  We were lucky enough to have Kynsie over for a hot dog roast over the new fire pit in our back yard on her birthday.  I had balloons hanging from trees with messages inside that were things we all love about kynsie. I dragged two tables and 16 chairs out there too.  I was too busy to take a picture, and then we all got too cold and had to come inside. Kynsie said she loved it, she is a beautiful 17 year old funny smart woman!

Singing to Kynsie
Weston made the card on the left, Fiora the one on the right

Present time!  Sadly we had to come inside, too windy and cold
Jared has been a scout leader for 5 years and this year finally he had a scout of his own to take to day camp.  Weston looked very handsome in his scout shirt and they had a lot of fun!  We sure love this kid.

Just what a Cub Scout should look like.

Weston has been suffering from a random case of hives this week.  Large red welt looking spots have been covering every part of his body except his palms and feet-bottoms.  Poor kid is very itchy, and when we give him benadryl he is very drowsy.  Hopefully it won't last more than a week, we cannot discern what is causing it at this point, maybe something from day camp.

I have been trying to establish some order in these summer random days, and it has been proving difficult what with my random work schedule and the kids random friend coming-overs.  Monday is supposedly library day, tuesday music day, wednesday arts/craft day, thursday science and math day, and Friday is fun day.  We managed to get to the library monday, barely, and Friday the kids realized they hadn't had any science so they all voluntarily sat through a science lesson and activity which was great, and they all remembered Friday was fun day so we went on an outing to the Riverbottoms and got ice cream.  The kids ran through the sidwalk fountains.
Weston I practically forced to get wet

Fiora ran right in there and got soaked

Savanna, in blue, also got soaking wet, and we had no towels

Drying off in the sun!
Jared took us to Stewart Falls last night to go hiking, which completed Friday Fun Day.  It was a difficult hike for me who was very tired after a long week, and Savanna jumped back and forth from having fun to complaining, but Fiora and Weston were TROOPERS and loved hiking.
Fi forgot a jacket and never complained. :)

Stewart falls which Fiora calls the Wishbone Waterfall

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I love that wishbone waterfall. So I can't tell if Gabe is about to pop a bubble or if that is his tongue in the pict where we are singing to kyns! lol

January 2025

January was a little slower and restful and snowy and cold. Even on Civil Rights day when I had a day off we just went on a goat hike, organ...