Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas Eve Weston and Heather were really sick with a flu, but we opened the traditional christmas eve jammies and sent the girls and Jared to the Schauers progressive dinner. I was sad to miss, but really out of it, getting ready for Christmas morning was tough, I'm really glad it wasn't late at night this year. Jared said the dinner was fun and yummy as usual.
opening their pajamas!

Crafts at the progressive dinner

 Christmas Morning was wonderful, we had to get some tylenol in Weston who still had a bad fever but all the gifts were still very appreciated. We took our time having a nice breakfast and opening the service box, where everyone but Jared added lots of nice notes about the services they have performed this month. That is our gift to the Savior as we celebrate His gift to us of eternal life.

It was a white Christmas, it looked magical outside with everything covered in white. The kids were super appreciative of everything they received. We feel blessed to be able to give nice gifts to our children. They got shoes, boots, shirts, socks, underwear, toys, pistachios, bow staffs (Wes) nail polish (Sav), cat stuff (Fiora), legos, hair stuff, etc. Weston's big gift was the gymnastics mushroom, he loved it! Fiora's big gift was a Kindle Fire, she really loved it. Savanna's big gift was cash and a ceramic straightener and her own blow dryer and a huge make up kit.

Jared gave me some running shoes and I splurged on myself and got some miniatures for my gingerbread house creations. Jared's gift to himself this year was some hand guns and a shot gun, and some nice winter shoes. After we enjoyed our spoils we went to the Barretts and had more gift exchanges there. I think the company of my family is my favorite gift. I'm very grateful for everyone's generosity, but mostly for their love for me and my children. Jared and I were both blessed with very wonderful family members and even if I had no heaters, cars, phones, indoor plumbing, electricity, or abundance of food, I would still be happy if at least my family was all around me.

1 comment:

Karli Sue said...

Your last paragraph made me tear up :) love you!

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