Friday, April 3, 2020

March 2020

Weirdest month ever. With the Corona Pandemic halting life as we know it, we've all done our best to adjust and keep pressing forward. I'm working full time from home now, Wes and Fiora are doing online school at home, Savanna moved back home so she isn't isolated alone in her apartment, also Joey broke up with her so she is trying to recover from that, we all are trying to recover from that. :(
We were still living in a mess at the beginning of the month, but soon our master bathroom and bedroom were finally finished hooray!!! They are so beautiful I feel so blessed to be isolated n a home with such a beautiful room, a wonderful bathtub, and lovely new carpet. There are some progression pictures as we were setting it up, the glass shower door is on now and everything, it is lovely.
Just in case you forgot what our bathroom used to look like, here are some before shots:

 Now for the AFTER shots!!!
New large window, vanity, tub installed

Glass shower door coming

detail of shower tile

closet with new paint and carpet

Weston helping set up the new bedframe

I love the ceiling and light fixtures

It's hard to tell in this lighting, but that wallpaper is forest green, so pretty

Decor and color added. That is a wall space heater under the towels.

Ta da! Love it. Look at that view, we had only a slit of a window before.

I made my sisters and mom come in and check it out.
Looks even better with beautiful people in it!

We spent quite a bit of time the first two weekends in march getting things back in order in our bedroom, bathrooms, and closet. And just in the nick of time too, I had to set up an office in my bedroom and start working from home due to the COVID social isolation orders. My home office is lovely too! Got all the pictures back on the wall and the desk back in, I get a little crazy being in the same room all day but it's pretty! I snapped a picture of myself in my new work environment. And I am posting the work picture FS headquarters took, they let me have a copy of it for all my web cam meeting profiles. It turned out pretty good.
Also I snapped a picture of the kids doing school from home. VERY strange for me to have kids at home doing online school, but it has its advantages. Thank goodness my work gave me a laptop so I could give mine to Fiora, Weston has the home computer so they can both do their work all day. Weston is keeping up on his workouts and school, getting all A's. He likes getting up a little later in the day I think and is good about doing his work without being asked. How are mom's with little kids doing it??

Even though March was one of the weirdest and hardest months of my life, the finished remodel was a blessing, and there was another very bright spot: my sisters and my mom got to have an overnight retreat at our mountain home to celebrate Heidi's upcoming baby. To have ALL my sisters together for more than a couple hours and play and work together-- *Holly's van slipped into the same snow back I slipped into last month and we all had to work hard to dig her out*-- what a heavenly blessing! Holly was inspired to put it all together and we ate great food thanks to her and played Mow for hours, and gave Heidi gifts and all shared lots of memories together.

Fiora has been going a little stir crazy being at home so much. She transitioned from a server at Spring Garden to a CNA right before the pandemic, so she had cut all her server shifts to do the course but due to CORONA her CNA class was cancelled for a while. She is doing it online now, but at first she went from going to school for 6 hours and then going to work for 4-5 hours to just being at home 24/7 and having no work. We went to Target and got these floating shelves to give her something to do and improve her living environment, that was a happy day. She has some shifts as a CNA now and its a job that can't stop just because of a virus pandemic, so she has job security hooray! Tender mercy that she got that job at Spring Gardens.

The stress of the pandemic wasn't the only hard thing about March. Savanna and I had to update her medical history/care for my insurance and amazingly Sav found a psychiatrist who could see her that week and helped her get appropriate medication and therapy for her OCD and anxiety issues, who also took my insurance. She had just picked up the meds and the NEXT DAY her boyfriend Joe who she has been with for a year decided to break up with her. !  She was completely blindsided, came home in the middle of the night, and couldn't sleep or eat for two days. Miracle that we happened to get her some meds that helped her get through it, and double miracle I was working from home so I could keep an eye on her and make sure she was doing things and never alone. The first day I helped her make cinnamon rolls. She has been such a trooper trying to get through the next minute this past week. We are all heart broken for her, it will be a while yet before she is healed from this one. She really loved Joe Jones. I see the tender mercy in the timing and I'm grateful the Lord is watching out for Sav.

 Also our dog got his spring haircut, he sheds this time of year and I don't like it.
I'm very grateful I have a good paying job that can still operate under the current circumstances, with some flexibility and benefits. I'm grateful for a supportive husband that made that possible. This last picture is a selfie I sent him at work. Jared is hanging in there in this economy still showing and selling homes, and takes time to ride the horse a lot. So last but not least, here is handsome Jared riding his handsome horse.

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