Tuesday, June 4, 2024

May 2024 part 1

 Need to break up May into three parts, it was just too much fun.

Part 1, May 1-9 

 First of all I can say it on the blog now because its all been announced... Savanna is pregnant!!! They told me in March and I was in shock, then a little scared, and then as the baby thrived and grew I became totally excited. She is 16 weeks along and having a GIRL! More about that in part 2 but there are some pictures of her gender reveal cake that Fiora made for them so I had to share my excitement about being a grandma for the first time. Due in November! 

First week: We had a fund day visit with Jesse's kids and they got to have some fun at the farm. Jared and I went to the Taylorsville Temple open house and took a lovely hike. 

And just when the weather was starting to get really yucky Savanna, Fiora and I took off for our Girls trip to Austin Texas! How much fun we had. We got into Austin Sunday night and Rachelle Wilkinson graciously hosted us and let us borrow her car. We got a little deflated on Monday because our Segway tour fell through but gave us time to rest, and the concert at the Moody Center did not disappoint. I got tickets to the Greta Van Fleet concert for the the girls' Christmas present which is why we went to Austin. We had shopped for some outfits and had a really fun time watching our mutually favorite rock band play live Monday night. Great visual effects and lots of different types of people there. We didn't get home until midnight. So each day we had some time to rest and time for fun. Tuesday Rachelle took us on a city mural tour and to lunch at Torchy's tacos and we got Pardiso gelado then went hoem and took naps. Wednesday we paddleboarded lady bird lake and had Pepes tacos and then went home to rest, and had dinner with my cousin Tiare and games. Thursday was the highlight for me, a beautiful river walk through the woods to Scuplture falls and a swim in the pool there. Grand finale Chickfila with the Wilkinsons. Came home Thursday afternoon, back to work Friday. Great memory!

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