Family Picture May 2022

Family Picture May 2022

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sep 22, 2024 Brazil Day 3

 Another amazing day! This one with a couple of miracles. We were greeted by the missionaries and members at church in Jaguarao, most of whom knew Weston and had more wonderful things to say about him. This was the first area weston served in for 6 months straight. There was a girl at church about 10 years old named Luisa, Weston had taught but her mom didn't necessarily want or allow her to baptized when he was teaching her. We found out she was getting baptized that very evening! So we were invited to that, and when we went there they asked Weston to perform the baptism!!! Miracle. Weston was so honored and happy and we were delighted to witness him performing a baptism in Brazil. Back to when we were at church, they were doing their primary program, and the pianist who is semi active just didn't show up, so they asked me to play last minute! I was able to rehearse with the primary during Sunday school and then perform with them for their sacrament meeting!! Miracle. Weston helped me understand the instructions. :) Such an honor and such an amazing spirit. Blessed me more than them. After church we had dinner with Moises and Silvia and their two daughters, he was the bishop when Weston served in Jaguarao. They were more well-to-do, very fancy home and a wonderful meal of roast wrapped in bacon smothered in garlic cream sauce and rice and beans and salad and dried bananas and pickles. After that we went to visit Moicam and Fernanda, she was a long time investigator Weston baptized. They had cats everywhere in decor as well. We also visited the current bishop and his family after that and I was pretty tired from al the excitement and big meal, but it's good we went because Weston roused the bishop from his nap and we drove him over to be "on time" to the baptism (everyone here shows up at least 15 minutes late to everything, lol.) The baptism was chaotic but amazing, missionaries gave more big hugs to Weston. Can you believe there would be more? We had a quick break at the airbnb before going right back out to have dinner with Rodrigo and Cintia, my favorite! This is the couple Weston helped get married and baptised when he was there, and later got permission to go to their temple sealing. Very special connection. They had made a beautiful cake decorated with "Parabens cumprir sua missao" (good job finishing your mission well) and printed images of a missionary on it, and they fed us more pastels and doces and we talked and he is a musician so he and Weston sang Michael Jackson songs, and their little home, not much more than a shack, was so cute. I was overwhelmed with the many joyful experiences of this day.

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In Memory of Lillian

In Memory of Lillian
Our Family