Family Picture May 2022

Family Picture May 2022

Friday, October 4, 2024

September 2024 pre Brazil

 September is going to have several posts, because Weston finished his mission and we went to Brazil to pick him up and each day is going to need its own post. So here are the highlights of September before we went to Brazil:

--Savannas Barrett Family and Friends baby shower, hosted by Kayli Gundry Nelson. Perfection! From the weather, the decor and the food, to the guests the games and the gifts!  So grateful for this beautiful day and so excited for our granddaughter to join the family in November.

--Jeep ride up Little Cottonwood canyon with the jeep club. Beautiful views and needed quality time with Jared.

--Bike ride on Provo River trail with Fiora for may day off work Labor day, picnic and needed quality time.

--Heather business trip to San Diego for corporate training for 5 days. Great time to catch up with my friends and colleagues from other Family Services offices! Felt very rejuvenated. I got to tour the Mormon Battalion and the US Midway navy ship while I was there too.

--Welcome visit and hosting my aunt Betty Ann and Uncle Steve while they were here for Steve's mom's funeral, they came all the way from their mission in Malta Italy!

And here are some pictures Weston sent from the last couple weeks of his mission and the last 2 letters which was miraculous and amazing. Brought tears to our eyes! 

 August 27 2024 
There are miracles around us. What a week. One of the most soul-filling of my mission This past weekend we had the privilege of baptizing our friend Ulisses and his family. We found his wife Raquel first, to whom we'd offered help on the street to bring a laundry basket full of clothes to her house, We discovered she'd been baptized in another part of Porto Alegre as a young woman but fell away from the church soon after. The next day we met her husband and three children where we had the first of many interactive and meaningful visits at their house. Her husband Ulisses had never been baptized because he didn't feel truth in any of the churches he'd visited. Once we started sharing about the Restoration and Plan of Salvation, his love for the gospel started to grow. After just one sacrament meeting he already accepted to be baptized with his kids who we're of age. We cared for them with much diligence to make sure they didn't slip through our fingers, and fortunately our hard work payed off. Their baptism was a sacred moment, one I shall not soon forget. The best part of helping people find the gospel on the mission is the fact that these friends are eternal, they always remember us and our humble efforts to lead them to the truth. Yes there are many who reject our message, but there are others being prepared by the Lord which only need an invitation. Those people make all the challenges worth it. It's sad that in a few weeks I'll be taking off the name tag, but I know my call to serve and to continue inviting will continue. But it's still nice being a missionary! So I'll be making the most out of my journey here while it lasts. Love you all and thanks for all the prayers!
 -Elder Schauers 

 Sep 15 2024 For those of you who like to skip to the pictures, just wanted to let you know that my homecoming talk will be October 20 at 12:00 at this address: 1050 E 100 N St, Lindon, UT 84042, Estados Unidos I'd love to see you all there!! 
 Hey guys just wanted to get one last email out before the end of this amazing ride. We had a pretty amazing last couple of weeks, God really made sure to shower my last transfer with plenty of miracles. First we had two more baptisms: Mira, who had been passing through a very difficult moment involving betrayal of family members as well as recovering from surgery. She seemed so sad when we first met her but immediately felt joy again with us teaching her. We witnessed the power of God relieving her of her burdens. Her integration with the members was also just spectacular And Gustavo, who we found looking for inactive members in a part of our area I didn't know as well. We found out that a major part of his dad's side of the family was baptized a hot while ago, and he'd had plenty of contact with the missionaries but never got to getting baptized. Despite only being 17, he had a sincere desire to be right with God and only lacked the invitation to make it happen. After Gustavo's baptism we got a reference from bishop that we visited that same day. It was a couple that was looking to get married and learn about the church, and they're currently living in their uncle's house who has already been bishop twice. Probably the best circumstances you could possibly imagine in investigators. They accepted getting married and baptized in our first visit, and we also managed to mark a dinner with them at bishop's house to teach them more the next day. At bishop's house we ate tastey lasagna and taught them about the Restoration and the Book of Mormon, it was probably one of the most spiritual messages of the Restoration I'd ever taught. Bishop and his wife shared their testimonies as well. And lastly, I got to witness a moment that I shall cherish forever. During my first transfer, me and my companion met a couple who immediately fell in love with the gospel as we taught them, and with the help of other missionaries they were married and baptized. And last Saturday I got to participate in their sealing. Words can't express quite how grateful I am to have had the privilege to show them the path of truth that led them to this point. Despite my inexperience and inability as a new missionary, God taught me through this couple that he can help us accomplish great and marvelous things despite our weaknesses. Tuesday our group of the missionaries leaving went to the temple and had dinner with President, which was a great experience as well. They all went home yesterday but I'm sticking it out until tomorrow until my parents get here to pick me up!! But yeah I guess that's a wrap of this two year journey, it's kind of difficult trying to express how much my mission has changed me and taught me. My perspective of everything in my life has changed. I really feel like I know the Savior and I learned so much from him. My testimony of this church is stronger than ever before. I've witnessed in the lives of so many the difference between living the gospel and not. I promise you guys that living the principles of the gospel is the only way to find peace and refuge from this dark and fallen world. If you've chosen to step away, I invite you to come back. Though it's hard to return after leaving the Savior's side, I promise it is worth it. There is vigorating power involved in being reconciled with God. Can't wait to see you all again in these coming weeks!!! Love you all deeply and I thank you for accompanying me during these last two years ❤️

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In Memory of Lillian

In Memory of Lillian
Our Family