Family Picture May 2022

Family Picture May 2022

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sep 24, 2024 Day 5

  Not every day can be as amazing as the past 4 had been, this day was a little hard (and coming off the high I was on I crashed a bit). But good things still happened amidst the hard, and God carried me through with a tender mercy. Had to do laundry in the middle of the night inorder to get some things dry, and to pack some clothes wet and hope there would be an opportunity to wash them later. Weston was disappointed the little Padaria (bakery) he used to go to was turned into a grocery store, we still enjoyed the cozinhas we got there, just had to take them back to the airbnb to eat. The rain and lightening was incessant and made a very long and difficult journey back to Porto Alegre, no nap for me. Took us way longer than we expected, like 5 hours, and we had to cancel the two visits Weston had made with members there so we would have time to eat dinner and get to our temple appointment. We were hungry tired and cranky (except Weston who rarely loses his cool) and didn't know where to go so I asked if we could go to the churrascaria I had studied about in my portuguese class. It was good but expensive and I was embarrassed at the price. When we got to the temple barely in time I realized I had forgotten the temple clothes I had brought all the way from Utah and carefully packed in my backpack back at our hotel. The lack of sleep, IBS issues, stress of travel, and disappointment was too much for me. Anger and grief overwhelmed me. I had to go alone to the women's Vesturario and ask if they had clothes I could borrow. They were very kind and I was able to go through the session, but did so numbly. After Wes and Jared wanted to take pictures and go to the visitors center but I just wanted to sit in the car. I found a brazilian coin on the ground at my feet that looked just like a dime (signifying angels were with me) and I broke down and cried. The boys gave me a group hug. It was a tough day, I felt so much guilt we had to cancel on Weston's friend and so stupid for forgetting my bag and so let down the temple experience wasn't the spiritual uplift I needed, but the Lord was still with us and the angels bearing me up.  

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In Memory of Lillian

In Memory of Lillian
Our Family