Family Picture May 2022

Family Picture May 2022

Sunday, October 6, 2024

September 21, 2024 Day 2

We had a lovely workout and breakfast at the Lohetto Moinos Hotel and took off 2 /1/2 hour drive south to Sao Lourenco do Sul and Capao de Leao to meet with the members Weston has worked with and served and taught the past two years. Weston had set up lunch and dinner appointments with different families for us everywhere we went, and we sometimes visits to people in between as well! Saturday for Lunch we met with the bishop of the branch in Sao Lorenco do Sul named Juliano, his wife Michele and their family. They fed us chicken and rice and beans and pumpkin and salad and Acai for dessert. Then they gave us a walking tour of the coast of Lago dos Patos, a huge lake on the cost of Brazil. In the south there are dogs everywhere! And usually the family has a pet dog and some cats too. Their homes are modest and small, made of cement and metal usually, and no yards, all packed in close together touching the houses next to them. We visited and elderly woman (name started with an M) who loved Weston like a son, and she gave us a knitted dress, chamisal and hat for our granddaughter, we left some money with her, she was so nice. We met with Prisila, a lady Weston taught. Sweet, humble, small homes, they welcome you in and you find a seat wherever you can. We also visited a young man age 16 named Jean Weston baptized, and his parents Weston taught and they later met with other missionaries and were baptized. They passed around the chimarrao and we gave them some peanut butter candy bars. We then drove to Pablo and Lorisa's to have dinner with him and another couple and their families they fed us sardine pizza lots of pastels and doces, and I was starting to hear and understand more Portuguese with them. Had to cut it a bit short (we were there for two hours they just love to visit with people) to make sure we had time to drive 2 hours to Jaguarao. We had some frustration navegating to our Airbnb in the dark in Jaguarao but the Lord was always with us and led us to a lady to gave us directions.

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In Memory of Lillian

In Memory of Lillian
Our Family