Family Picture May 2022

Family Picture May 2022

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sep 23, 2024 Brazil Day 4

 The rain started 4 am that night, hail and lightening impossible to sleep through, these houses are made of cement and metal. So not much sleep and lots of traveling to do. Weston and I did a 2 mile run on the streets of Jaguarao and we got ready to go. Before leaving we crossed the bridge border to Uraguay to say we had been to that country and took some pictures. Jared had to drive over three hours in the pouring rain to Bage. We got to Jesus and Diane's home about 30 minutes late, on time for brazil standards, and they and their friend Ernesto visited with us and fed us a wonderful churrsasco of chicken and sausages and rice and beans and salad. Wonderful dessert too. Their little boy Ignacio was learning English and I liked talking to him. We rested a bit in the airbnb there, we were all exhausted. My irritable bowel syndrome acted up after three days eating lots of brasilian food. We took a drive and stroll around Bage, the country city in the interior south of Brasil. For dinner Weston had set up dinner with the current bishop of Bage, Idailson Ritta and his family. His wife and three children were so fun to talk to! Smart, musical, and spiritual people. They were easy to understand and Jared and I were actually monopolizing the conversation this time instead of relying on Weston to lead in his excellent portugese comprehension and execution. They fed us some stroganoff and wonderful sides and dessert, and Weston played guitar and ukelele with their oldest daughter. I was so impressed with Weston making such good connections with people and setting up all these wonderful dinners and lunches, we hadn't spent a dime on food up to this point. Weston really did leave a boy and returned a man. 

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In Memory of Lillian

In Memory of Lillian
Our Family