Family Picture May 2022

Family Picture May 2022

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sep 25, 2024 Brazil Day 6

 Gramado! Another loud and long rainstorm in the middle of the night so sleep was lost again, but the activities today boosted my spirits immensely. We had a nice breakfast at the hotel in Porto Alegre and a great work out at the gym on the top floor. Weston gave me a blessing of comfort and we all felt much better after the difficult previous day. We drove 2 hours again int he rain poor Jared to Gramado to see the beautiful architecture of that European influence city. So much more clean, organized, and beautiful than other cities in Brasil. We walked around a beautiful lake and then went to "Mini Mundo." A park filled with miniatures the same scale I do my gingerbread houses! How could I not go to mini mundo?? It was everything a miniaturist could hope for--house of every stlye you can imagine, city halsl, boat yards, airport, trains, busses, farms, castles, concerts, stores, everything! I was more delighted than a school girl on Christmas day. Jared had a hard time dragging me out of there. We had to eat though, and Jared found a Fondu place where we had to cook the meat on a hot stone, and had breads and veggies to dip in fondu cheese and other sauces. It was so fun. Then we drove to a restored period home and estate from 1915 in Canela, so cool to see the technology they used and the beautifully preserved land, barns, equipment and home. We then drove around to the chocolateries in Gramado--Florybal and Parvel. We got a tour and samples and bought some chocolate there and had a sundae together in the cafe. We also walked to a cathedral and the "fountain of love" and souvenir shopped, took a bunch of pictures. We left around 5:00 pm, there was so much fog we couldn't see the road on the way home which again made for a stressful drive. Got back about 7 and found a pizzeria to have some dinner. The streets of Porto Alegre are bizarre and Jared didn't want to drive anymore understandably so thankfully Jared easily called an Uber to get us there and back. Catching up Weston on life and spending so much quality time with him is the true gift!

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In Memory of Lillian

In Memory of Lillian
Our Family