Family Picture May 2022

Family Picture May 2022

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sep 29, 2024 Brazil Day 10

 God definitely led us while we were in Itatiba. I had prayed Jared would find the trouble it took to return to his mission worth it, and that prayer was answered! Church was at 9:00 am and we went early, once again greeted warmly by the missionaries. While we were re-acquainting ourselves with the old gentleman Antonio who barely remembered Jared, and who last minute had been asked to have us over for lunch, when a middle aged man approached us to ask our names for introduction and when I said Schauers he lit up. "I know a Schauers!" he said. He locked eyes with Jared and there was mutual jaw dropping, it was Lucas! The 18 year old Jared taught and baptized Jared couldn't find anywhere, and thought had left the church. He had no idea we would meet him there! Turns out he had left the church for a time, but three years ago came back and he and his wife were sealed in the temple earlier that year. I met his wife and we felt sad we didn't have more time to stay in Itatiba to have a meal with his family. We visited with them as much as we could at church, then went to Antonio and Sandra's home for lunch after church. What a wonderful visit this was too! Jared and Antonio reminisced about the old days and Sandra whipped out a beautiful dinner for us, basically strangers to her. We used the bathroom and took pictures and kind of had to "eat and run" (again two hours never seems like enough time) to make it back to Sao Paulo Airport for our flight to Rio. Lucas sent a very meaningful text to Jared that afternoon about how much he has meant to him in his life and how wonderful it was to see him again. Miraculous! We got through the return the car and get the the airport and fly to Rio de Janeiro without any problems, and ubered to our lovely airbnb right on Copacabana beach. The best for last! This place was two rooms two bathrooms kitchen living room dining room laundry everything you could ask for and we felt totally safe. Our visits with past members had come to an end, but wow so much more than we could have hoped for. So Blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


In Memory of Lillian

In Memory of Lillian
Our Family