January we spend a fair amount of time in the hot tub. Jared and I have been trying to work out weights more and we like to end a workout in the hot tub if we have time. Opposition--hard work out and sore muscles but relaxing hot tub after. Weston is still in the middle of gym meet season, two down, four to go. He got another nasty rip on his hand from the parallel bars this last week, and he has had sore muscles from extra training and gym meets, its really not easy being a gymnast, sometime I wonder why we put him through it, opposition in all things! When he does so well at a meet its very rewarding. If you didn't see his last meet on 1/18/14 you can view it here
I had a rare opportunity to have a few friends from my masters of social work cohort come visit one evening (Ruth Tanya Adam Rachel Shannon Justin Sam Jenny). Its always good to see them when I do. We are all working hard to make the world a better place for people. Its tough work but worth the effort! Some of my valiant friends are dealing with very tough circumstances and I'm praying for them, these aren't the type of people that stand outside the fire.
Another struggle we Barretts are pushing through is getting my parent's basement finished so my 92 year old grandma can move in soon. I've been spending every spare day I can going to Eagle Mountain and cleaning and prepping and encouraging my parents to keep moving forward as it has been discouraging at times. Jared suggested they hire out the dry wall and mudding, they were really hung up at that point with my dad trying to do most of it himself. He has been working so hard! They did so and hooray some progress was made this month. We got the painting done yesterday and carpet is being installed Wednesday! The end is in sight, which is very joyful. And to end I'll add some beautiful pictures from Karli Sue's wedding that Kelsy took that I absolutely loved. Kelsy and Jesse made us a salmon dinner last night and we watched a movie in their theater, we love hanging out with those guys and their beatiful Knightly!