The month's feel more like days this year, I'd better write this now or it's never happening because October is shaping up to be a busy "day." There are a lot of pictures in this post because we had our every two year BARRETT FAMILY REUNION Sep 10-12! It was as amazing as years past, the Lord blesses family reunions. Descriptions of pictures will go in same order as pictures, Jared and I managed to kayak the provo river the first saturday in Sep, and even though it was 80 degrees I still got cold hives on my legs due to the wind.
Jared is giving a thumbs up because we made our goal to pay off my parents home this month! They own 70% and we own 30% and in two years we managed to pay it all off. Yay us! The next hundred or so pics are of the family reunion in Garland Utah, called Bear River Resort. It was a beautiful place full of beautiful people once we all go there haha. Jesse and Kelsy were in charge this year, their theme was "anchored in faith" and they made us all anchor bracelets. We enjoyed many activities there.