Monday, November 12, 2007

Don't be hatin'

Jared took a little excursion to Walmart with Fiora to kill some time while Savanna and Weston were at gymnastics and he taught her some backstreet talk. She learned phrases like "Break it down homey" "Bust a move fat boy" and "Don't be hatin'!" I myself have used the last one with Savanna a few times lately. When she gets home from school her "polite" and "patient" reserves are used up, maybe even into a deficit. After she yells at me for whatever I did wrong to greet her then she beats down Fiora/Weston for various misdemeanors, usually existing, and then cries when she gets a time out, and then complains about whatever snack we do or don't have, and then there's the fight to make her do homework, and the complaining that she can't play with her friends from school who I don't know, and if I'm going to my job she'll be angry about that even though I thought she hated me all this time anyway. I've learned to just let her wind down for about 30 minutes when she comes home, if she has some time in her room or watching a show for a while then she's OK. And when she's happy there's no better 6 year old to be around! She really is a delightful girl most of the time, most of the time she is at school now that's all. I'm glad she is good and delightful for her teacher Miss J.

Lillian's headstone was placed last week. It looks so nice! Jared and I took the kids up to see it Saturday and Weston jumped out of the car and said, "Where's Lillian's cave?" We corrected him but he kept saying it that way, it was pretty cute.


Natalie said...

I love Savannah. And I'll be waiting to here some new slang from the girls. Where did Jared learn it?

Cami said...

Oh Savanna. Jeffy used to say "Your Mom" all the time. Lili taught him. Like "Jeffy, you want pancakes?" Jeffy: "your MOM wants pancakes" and stuff. Also, a different guest taught him "that's how I roll" and that was quite the popular phrase for a while. Now most sayings come from The Backyardigans. Ethan likes to say, "GREAT CEASAR'S GHOST!" a lot. I like Don't be hatin. I should use it.

Lillian's "cave" looks lovely. You guys all look so cute there!

February 2025

 Back to working hard and playing hard! Highlights of February: Dates with Juliet every week and helping Savanna and Mckay when I can. Savan...