Thursday, August 27, 2009

Weston's first day of school

Weston is at his first day of school as I write. That is why I am writing. Because all the kids in school is a dream come true! Also it's kind of sad. But Weston was very patient all the long week while the girls had school and he did not, and all morning waiting for 12:15 to come so he could go to afternoon school. He chose his clothes carefully, picking only school appropriate clothes. He paitently waited for dad to get home and walk him to school too. When we got there I was surprised to see all the kids in our neighborhood have the afternoon block too! Jared took a picture.

It was kind of funny that Jared and Karli and I all walked Weston to school, taking Weston to school is going to be Karli's job more than mine this year so I wanted her to come. And Jared is just awesome to want to see his son off to his first day. He wouldn't miss this milestone.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Today marks two years since Lillian's passing. I have been pretty emotional today. She is ever present in my thoughts today and not far from them every day. Jared and I went to temple this morning and the beautiful sun was shining in the celestial room and I felt so close to Heaven. I long to be there, but there is still much to do here. I speak for all of our little family when I say we miss Lillian. Weston drew a picture of her just the other day, as a baby in a blanket of course. He still remembers her! We'll never forget.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The "1st day of school" post

Yesterday was the first day of school around here. The kids were very excited, even Weston whose mom forgot kindergarteners don't start for a week later than everyone else. She's getting old apparently. Thankfully Jared reminded me of that point the first day of school. Poor Weston, he's just hanging around the house with only mom asking how many more days until he goes to school. I took him to the park for two hours this morning, I love that kid, I will miss him a lot this year.
Savanna and Fiora are just pros at school, they rode their bikes today, didn't even want me to come with or pick them up or anything. Fiora said, "Mom you said school was all day!" I replied it IS all day! "No, I want to eat dinner there and sleep there too!" She likes school. It is very strange to not have all three kids underfoot around the house, it sure is quiet with only Weston. My first day of school is August 31st, so I'm enjoying my quiet time while it lasts.

Here is fiora at her summer Gymnastics recital, my video camera wasnt working and we were too far away from the action to get a good still shot, but she did great! We decided not to put her on a team this year, we want to reserve as much "family" time as we can for the next couple years while I'm in school. So maybe someday, but not now. She is showing great potential though, I tell you.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


We decided that we should go camping before school starts. We went to mirror lake. We found the most beautiful spot to camp, right next to the Duchesne and Provo river merge. We took a four-wheeling ride, cooked tin foil dinners over coals, hiked around mirror lake, fished and were having a splendid time. About 8 or 9 PM this is what happened:

And it only let up for us to cook breakfast. It was kind of cool to sleep outside in a thunderstorm, and we did stay dry, but it did cause us to leave earlier than we planned the next morning. Fiora and Westong didn't seem to mind the rain at all. Savanna was cold in the morning and she fell in the river so she was wet, so she commenced a complaining streak until we left. (Much of this was her own doing, she fell three times, once into the river, and there's not much we can do about clumsiness.) She was delightful the day before so we forgave her. Jared and I are glad we went rain or not, what beautiful areas we live next to!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Baby visit and dilemma

It has been almost a week since we had a visit from baby Alexis Schauers, but belated or not here are some pictures of our adorable new cousin/niece.

Congratulations Aaron and Amy! We wish you well in the next few weeks.

I don't know how many of you have had a demo from a Rainbow vacuum salesperson, but for me it was alomst anguish NOT to buy one after seeing what a great product it was and how horrifyingly dirty my carpet is. But Jared is strong and said no. While I was thinking of ways to finance the 2200 dollar cleaning device, he was thinking of all the great 4-wheelers he could get for the same price. But we will get neither, I just paid tuition. At the very least it spurred Jared to action calling a carpet cleaner.

Fiora was offered a position on Team Gym this week, it is a huge commitment (money wise and time wise with actual competitive meets and uniforms) but also a great opportunity for Fiora to develop her gymnastics skills. Jared and I are both stuggling as to whether we should have Fiora do it. We welcome advice/opinions on the matter. Fiora had to try out for a spot, and she came down with a stomach bug the day she was to demonstrate her skills, so I was very impressed with her willingness to do her tricks (and how great she did!) although she was under the weather. She has a gymnastics recital the evening of August 19th if you want to come see her in action.

Family Pictures December 23, 2024