Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November happenings

 Another dream came true this month. Our dryer bit the dust, it served us well for 10 years. The washer was still doing amazingly well but we decided if we are getting a dryer might as well get a washer to match. Well, Jared did the deciding. He came home one day and surprised me with a home depot purchase, feeling a little glum because he just bought us a car, but this was a necessity as the tenants use the washer and dryer every week as well.  I have used them and they are great appliances and I am very grateful!!! Before and after shots below.

I was able to go to TWO social work conferences in november. The first was at BYU and was training on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5th ed. that came out this year. I was able to see some friends from my social work program and learn lots of good stuff, eat lunch both days, and it only cost $15.  It was nice to catch up with one of my best friends and a most respected clinician Shannon Young. The other conference was a David Burns workshop on treating anxiety in Salt Lake City, I had to bring my own lunch, and it cost $269. Thankfully they gave me the option of working as an aide for the workshop so I got a $90 reduction on the cost, but I had to be there at 7:00 AM and stay to the end.  I loved every minute of it so I wouldn't have left early anyway, and I learned SO much that I am trying to implement this very week with my clients. My its a little scary to implement new techniques and push people a little harder, and to ask for feedback after every session to test whether I am being effective, but I have faith that with the Lord's help and the death of my ego it will make me a better qualified therapist. David Burns is actually one of my heroes, I read his book "Feeling Good" in 2005 when I was suffering from major depression and it helped me so much I decided to learn more, which spurred me onto school and counseling, and I've read it three times since, so I think he is brilliant. He has helped 35000 people overcome mood disorders and I can count on one hand how many I think I've helped! I don't ask for pictures with people very often, but I couldn't resist asking him to take a photo with me. He is very much into asking people to do things that are awkward to uncover hidden anxieties and cognitive distortions, so I was required to tickle his stomach in order to get a picture. 

My sister Karli Sue went off to school and got engaged!  She is marrying Grant Searcy on December 27th!! Woohoo! We are so happy for Karli Sue, and I love weddings in the family. She is an angel, and she found a very nice guy who loves her a lot. In fact they seem a little too "perfect", hope they know how to fight, ha ha. Time to celebrate! I will be throwing her a bridal shower next week and these are Holly's pictures I used for the invitation.

The pinewood derby for Weston and the YW in excellence events were held at the same time in different buildings, so I had to go to YW while Jared went to the derby. Weston had gone to Gunnison to have Grandpa Neil help to cut out his car, and he painted it himself and was very proud of it, but it didn't weigh enough so it got 3rd place every time and he was disappointed. Fiora wanted to make a car too for whatever reason and had a fun time running her car down the track after the scouts were done with it, and didn't care at all that it was slow. She is funny. Savanna's project for YW was 10 hours of temple work, and she made a display (the day of) and wasn't very happy with it so she didn't let me take a picture, but I took a picture of her with the temple print I bought for it. It auto rotated it the wrong way so its upside down. She had a disappointing night also, but hey, according to Burns we are only entitled to 5 good days a week anyway. That's Life!

1 comment:

Schauers Hours said...

hello there this is fiora i am awesome with my car in that picture!
('-') awesome bunny right? i forgot how to do whiskers

February 2025

 Back to working hard and playing hard! Highlights of February: Dates with Juliet every week and helping Savanna and Mckay when I can. Savan...