Thursday, October 8, 2015

Praise the Lord with Heart and Voice!

Happy October!
I haven't taken a lot of pictures, but significant spiritual blessings have been poured on our humble home I can still blog about.
The past 4 weeks we have enjoyed watching "The Great Food Truck Race" and having FHE with the Snows every monday. My cousins competing in that program with their Waffle Luv truck was so inspiring and fun to watch! What great examples of keeping the sabbath, loving people, working hard and being great sports when they got second place. Wendy's lessons were also fun and instructive and we will miss having that excuse to go there.
Three weeks ago our ward boundaries changed and we are in the Lindon 21st ward now. The transition was a little difficult but the outpouring of love from the 21st ward members has been wonderful. Jared was called to be the 11 year old scout leader, he and Weston go every week. Back in August the Stake President gave us a challenge to fast once a week, study the scriptures more, and pray with real intent more than once a day for 40 days, and we finished that challenge September 26th. There has been a difference in our house! The spirit is stronger. I've noticed that the kids are facing their challenges with more courage and a greater sense of God's love for them, I'm feeling inspired by more personal revelation, and even Jared has been more in tune, and handsomely thankful and praising the Lord for his help and blessings.
Two weekends ago the girls and I attended the Women's General meeting and it was an answer to our prayers as we have been struggling with getting along with each other, and Savanna in particular has felt very stressed lately and that her efforts aren't being recognized. It helped us feel more love and value in each other and by God.  I've noticed Savanna trying harder to be patient as I have tried harder to praise and empathize with her.
This past weekend we worked hard on Saturday between sessions, Jared's still plugging away at that chicken coop, and Sunday went to Gunnison to watch General conference with Grandpa Neil and Grandma Bonnie and enjoyed the spirit while there. I loved President Monson's talk about letting your light shine, as I've been pondering that very principle myself lately. It seems like the world constantly is seeing where we are flawed and making sure we know we are nothing special and never good enough. Junior high is especially difficult in that way. And even Weston's teachers gathered around him and told him he needs to be more talkative, relax, and have fun in school more. That is probably true, Weston is a very focused, hard working student, maybe to a fault, but he was perplexed that after all he has done to try and be a good student his teachers still found something to be displeased about. Weston, you are doing amazing things with your life and your parents are so proud of you! Our efforts to increase and share our talents, lift our voices, and share goodness count, even if they go unrecognized by others. I'm so grateful for the Lord's counsel to let our light shine!
I'm so proud of my family. I love them! They are my greatest work. I want to reinforce to them that as we worship God with our might, mind, and strength and seek his Spirit, our minds and bodies become refined, and we become worthy temples for His Spirit to dwell.
God is in his holy temple,
In the pure and holy mind,
In the rev'rent heart and simple,
In the soul from sin refined.
Banish then each base emotion.
Lift us up, O Lord, to thee;
Let our souls, in pure devotion,
Temples for thy worship be.
Jesse and Kelsy are sharing their light, literally, with their Lightweave photo talent. Look at these beautiful pictures they took of our family this year. Thanks Jesse and Kelsy!



Rachelle said...

Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family!

Kaylee said...

Those pictures are GORGEOUS!! I wish they could take ours!

February 2025

 Back to working hard and playing hard! Highlights of February: Dates with Juliet every week and helping Savanna and Mckay when I can. Savan...